Use ChatGPT to Export Data from a WordPress Database

Retrieving data from a WordPress site can be a nightmare. Site data could reside in several places. Pulling from these various sources isn’t easy.

Websites that feature eCommerce or memberships are prime examples. Each plugin may store data in a different spot. Some create separate database tables. Others use the default WordPress locales.

Export plugins exist that help in some – but not all – circumstances. For example, you might be able to export customer orders. However, grabbing additional data not directly related to those orders may not be possible.

Writing a custom query is another option. But you’ll need to know your way around PHP and MySQL. Not everyone has the expertise to do so.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help. As I discovered, tools like ChatGPT can do the dirty work. It simplified the process and saved me loads of time. Perhaps it saved my sanity as well.

Here’s how to use AI to get what you need from the WordPress database.

Before We Get Started

There are a few items we should mention before starting:

  • Back up Your Site’s Database or Create a Local Copy of Your Site
    None of what we’re doing here should hurt your database. However, create a fresh backup – just in case.
  • You can also create a local copy of your site for experimenting. That enables you to work without the risk of harming your production website.
  • Have Access to a ChatGPT Account
    We’re using ChatGPT for this demo. Therefore, you’ll want to have access to a free account. You can follow along and experiment.

Other AI tools, such as Google Gemini, may also work. The point is to use an AI tool that will generate code.

Also, a warning: Use caution when generating code. AI tools can make mistakes! Review the code before using it.

What Are You Doing with the Data?
There are a couple of things you can do with the data you retrieve:

  • Display the data on the front end of your site;
  • Download a CSV file that contains the data;

You’ll want to determine this beforehand. The process is a bit different depending on your choice.

Oh, and you’ll also need access to your site’s database. Access to your theme is required for displaying data on the front end.

Use ChatGPT to Export Data from a WordPress Database

Retrieving User Data from Different Plugins

Now, onto our experiment. Let’s take a common sticking point and try to make sense of it.

Our fictional website has two purposes. We sell various products with WooCommerce. Customers come to our site, create accounts, and order from us.

On the other side of the coin, we also sell memberships. Our members pay for access to exclusive content. We use the Restrict Content Pro plugin to power this feature.

Both WooCommerce and Restrict Content Pro have reporting features. For example, we can find out how many members we have. Or the number of WooCommerce customers.

But what if we want to combine this data? There’s no straightforward way to do this. So, let’s see if AI can help.

Step 1: Find the Data You Want

The first step is to determine what data you want to retrieve. Then, you’ll need to find the data inside the WordPress database.

Our goal is to create a CSV export file that includes users who are:

  • A customer in our WooCommerce shop AND…
  • Have an active membership via Restrict Content Pro;

Data isn’t always easy to locate. In some cases, you may need to reference plugin documentation. Or contact their technical support. A thorough database search can help if all else fails.

In our case, WooCommerce and Restrict Content Pro create custom database tables. That will make our job a bit easier.

  • WooCommerce table names use the ‘wp_wc‘ prefix.
  • Restrict Content Pro table names use the ‘wp_rcp‘ prefix.

We’ll also want to bring in data from the ‘wp_users‘ and ‘wp_usermeta‘ tables. That allows us to tie customer and membership data to specific users.

With that in mind, we’ll look for the following information:

Data Type Database Table Column
User ID wp_users ID
First Name wp_usermeta Meta Key: first_name
Last Name wp_usermeta Meta Key: last_name
Customer ID wp_wc_customer_lookup customer_id
Membership Status wp_rcp_memberships status
Membership Level ID wp_rcp_memberships object_id

Step 2: Ask ChatGPT to Create a Database Query

Next, we’ll ask ChatGPT for some help. We’ll want to provide a clear explanation of the task.

Here’s the prompt I used:

I'd like to create a MySQL database query for a WordPress website. I only want to retrieve users who have both a WooCommerce Customer ID and a membership via Restrict Content Pro.

Here is the data I'd like to retrieve:

From the wp_users database table:

From the wp_usermeta database table:
Meta Key: first_name
Meta Key: last_name

From the wp_wc_customer_lookup database table:

From the wp_rcp_memberships database table:

Step 3: Get the Response

ChatGPT’s response included a code snippet and a detailed explanation of it (view the full response). The snippet joins multiple database tables together to produce a single report.

So, how do we see if it works? We can run the query in a tool that connects to the site’s database. I’m using a local website that includes AdminerEvo.

You could also use phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, or similar apps. ChatGPT can even provide instructions for whatever app you’re using.

I’ve pasted the query into the SQL Command screen inside AdminerEvo.

Step 4: Study the Results

The results are in! Our fictional website has 198 users. 15 of them have a paid membership. There are also 200 product orders.

So, how many are WooCommerce customers and Restrict Content Pro members? A grand total of seven.

The query results returned the columns we requested. From here, we can tweak things further or export the data.

The results of the database query.

Going Further with AI

Our example query may seem simple. However, bringing together data from multiple plugins is challenging. A custom solution is often the only solution.

I’m no coding expert. Thus, figuring out how to get data became frustrating. Thankfully, AI has proven to be a terrific tool for the job.

It’s one of the areas where this technology shines. Many of us struggle to write this sort of code on our own. Writing a prompt describing what we want isn’t so bad, however.

There are also opportunities to take things further. We could change our prompt to display data on a WordPress page. Or return data relevant to the currently logged-in user.

A working knowledge of PHP and MySQL can take you a long way. So, experiment and see what you can accomplish. And be sure to add up all the time you save in the process!

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Here Are the Biggest Mistakes Freelance Web Designers Make

The great thing about being a freelancer is that you’re in charge. That can also work against you, though.

You make all the decisions. So, who’s to blame when something goes wrong? Just take a look in the mirror.

That’s OK. None of us are perfect. And I’m right there with you. I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my quarter-century as a freelance web designer.

Mistakes are learning opportunities. But it’s better to learn from someone who’s already made them. They can save you from repeating history.

That’s why I’m here! With that, here are the biggest mistakes freelance web designers typically make. I’ve been there and done them all. Read on to learn how you can avoid them.

Working without Contracts and Other Legal Protections

We may want to believe that everyone is honest. We hope our clients will behave rationally. That’s not always the case.

A bad experience with a client can be frustrating. It might also be devastating – depending on the severity. Make sure the law has you covered.

First, always work with a contract in place. Spell out the terms of each project. Both parties will know their responsibilities and the agreed-upon compensation.

That way, there’ll be no excuses if a client fails to hold up their end of the bargain. You’ll be protected against non-payment or other shenanigans.

It’s also important to consider your business structure. Yes, even solo freelancers need to think about this. Some configurations can reduce your risk.

For example, an LLC (limited liability company) can separate your business and personal assets. That’s a big deal if you get sued.

Oh, and we can’t forget about business insurance. It protects against all manner of issues – including cybercrime.

Be proactive when it comes to your business. You might save yourself from a nightmare or two.

Here Are the Biggest Mistakes Freelance Web Designers Make

Trusting the Wrong Products and Services

Every product and service we use requires a leap of faith. We have to trust that they’ll work as advertised. And that they’ll increase efficiency – rather than hinder it.

Experimenting with products is fun and educational. It may lead us to improve our skills and earning potential.

But freelancers too often do so with their client work. For example, using an unproven content management system (CMS). Or a web host you don’t know much about.

The potential rewards aren’t worth the risks. What happens if the experiment doesn’t work? Your client relationships could be strained – or worse. Plus, you’ll be left to clean up a mess.

For some clients, this approach makes sense. They may need a feature that no one else offers. However, that is the exception to the rule.

Use trusted tools for client work. Your reputation (and theirs) are on the line, after all.

Using the wrong products and services can cost you.

Booking Clients Despite Their Red Flags

Not all clients are worthy of your time. Some turn out to be troublesome – and there are usually warning signs.

There are a multitude of red flags to look for. Clients that are rude or dismissive are unlikely to be satisfied. They don’t respect your effort or talent.

Then you have people who mention the other designers they’ve worked with. Ask yourself why those relationships crumbled. There must be a reason.

Worse still are the penny-pinchers that question every dollar. You often find that they’re also the most demanding. They expect Amazon-type features on a shoestring budget.

Perhaps the worst are those with anger issues. They may not snap at you, specifically. But you’ll hear it when the conversation shifts to their last designer. Or a former employee. Or the barista at the coffee shop you’re meeting in. Let there be no doubt that you’ll be a target if you stick around.

The potential to make a few dollars isn’t worth the risk. Working with these sorts of clients will eventually come back to haunt you. It can take years to recover from the experience.

Pay attention to the warning signs. Follow your gut and not your desire for a paycheck. You’ll be better off without them!

Allowing Their Skills to Stagnate

The web is constantly changing. Your portfolio serves as proof. Look at a website you built five years ago and compare it to today. You might be surprised at the differences in design and tech.

More than ever, clients are aware of these shifts. They’re asking for modern looks and features. They’re more in tune with what a website should do.

Web designers must change along with the times. That’s not to say you should abandon tried and true methods. However, you may have to apply them in different ways.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the elephant in the room. It’s already impacting the way we do our job. Therefore, it’s worth experimenting with these tools now to prepare.

There have also been changes in CSS, JavaScript, performance, and accessibility. Plus, all of the challenges presented by web security.

AI may be an asset in these areas. But it makes sense to keep learning the “old-fashioned” way. That will keep your skills relevant for now and in the future.

Keeping your skills updated can fuel growth.

Continuing to Offer Low-Profit Services

The business decisions you make today have a lasting impact. You’ll see it in the projects you book and the services you offer.

Sometimes that impact is negative. A poor client may be easy to separate from. However, an unprofitable service is more difficult to get past.

Let’s say you want to offer a new service to clients: email list management. You think it will provide some extra revenue with minimal effort. Sounds like a winner, right?

Perhaps things go well early on. A few clients sign up for the service. You’re not making much profit, but things aren’t out of hand.

Now, fast-forward to five years from now. You have a mountain of web projects to complete. And these email lists are taking up too much of your time. You’re stuck working on a low-profit venture while ignoring the real money maker.

Untangling from this mess could take a while. You might have clients under long-term contracts. And an affiliate deal with a provider. You may also need to refer clients to a new list manager.

The point is to be careful about the services you offer. What sounds like a good idea today could become a mess tomorrow.

Unprofitable services can weigh on your finances.

Mistakes Are Part of Freelancing. Learn from Them.

The longer you’re a freelancer, the more mistakes you’ll make. It’s all part of the journey.

The key is to learn from them. That will teach you to think more carefully about future decisions. I can attest to that part. I’m more deliberate about how I approach my business these days.

Yes, I still make the occasional wrong choice. But I’ve made a lot of progress. And I’ve gotten better at identifying mistakes before they become too big.

You can do the same! Think about your experiences. Read about what others have done. Apply those lessons to create a better future for your business.

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An Ode to Hello Dolly with Matt Mullenweg

An Ode to Hello Dolly with Matt Mullenweg

WordPress has been around for over 20 years. Part of its continuing popularity stems from how extensible it is. A skilled developer can make the content management system (CMS) do just about anything.

Its plugin architecture powers shopping carts, forms, and photo galleries. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though. Niche functionality abounds, so it’s no wonder it leads the pack in market share.

But let’s take a step back. The ability to use plugins came about in WordPress 1.2. It was a new concept in those days. The project needed to educate developers on how things work. To encourage them to build and experiment. But how?

Well, hello, Dolly! Or, if you prefer more formality, Hello Dolly.

It’s one of two default plugins that come with each installation of WordPress. Maybe you delete it. Perhaps you leave it deactivated in your plugins folder. But do you know about its roots as a teaching tool?

In case you didn’t know: “Hello Dolly” is also a song made famous by Louis Armstrong. The jazz legend was a perfect fit for this project. WordPress releases are named for famous musicians. So, “Satchmo” gets some glory here. The plugin shows a random line from the song’s lyrics in the WordPress dashboard.

Love it or not, Hello Dolly (the plugin) has a purpose and is here to stay. I spoke to someone who knows a thing or two about the subject.

[embedded content]

Why Matt Mullenweg Is Still Jazzed Up

WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg is a big fan of jazz. He also developed Hello Dolly. Matt was kind enough to take a quick trip down memory lane with me.

Besides sharing a classic song, what was the inspiration for creating Hello Dolly?

Matt Mullenweg: We wanted to riff on the “Hello World” that sits at the inception of many people’s introduction to programming. We felt like actions and hooks were a really nice paradigm alternative to purely object-based extending of applications.

Why has it continued to be a part of every new WordPress install?

MM: Because it’s nice to have a plugin with every install, and it’s funny and weird.

The plugin’s inclusion has resulted in some 1-star reviews. Does that keep you up at night?

Matt Mullenweg: Not at all.

Do you foresee a time when the plugin might evolve? For example, a Hello Dolly block might be a nice introduction to block development.

Matt Mullenweg: I think it would be cool if Hello Dolly could connect people to live jazz happening near them.

According to its development log, Hello Dolly has been around for 16 years and has over 700k active installs. Does that make you think about how far WordPress has come?

Matt Mullenweg: It shows that even though Hello Dolly is silly and simple, a pretty significant number of people appreciate the little bit of joy and randomness it introduces into their day.

” This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly.”
– Hello Dolly plugin description from

A Living Connection to the Early Days of WordPress

Hello Dolly is a bit silly on the surface. However, it also represents something bigger.

Consider the importance of plugins to the WordPress ecosystem. Where would the CMS be without the likes of WooCommerce or Yoast SEO? What about the tens of thousands of plugins at our fingertips?

Every developer has to start somewhere. Some may have used Hello Dolly to take that first plunge into development. And people interested in building plugins can still use its code as a resource.

The plugin has played a role, however small, in the growth of WordPress. We owe it some thanks. Having said that…

Dolly, never go away, promise, you’ll never go away!

Thanks to Matt Mullenweg for chatting with me! Find more from Matt on his blog.

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8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Awesome Reveal Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Awesome Reveal Effects

Not everything on a website has to be displayed straightforwardly. Sometimes, it’s prudent to hide an element. We can then reveal it automatically or via user interaction.

That’s what makes reveal effects so compelling. They can serve dual purposes. The first is to keep our layouts nice and tidy. The second is to add a bit of flair to the user experience (UX).

And there are many intriguing options for web designers. Using CSS and JavaScript offers a path to creating high-end effects. They not only look great, though. There are ways to build features that are performant and accessible as well.

Want to explore some possibilities? Check out our collection of fantastic reveal effects. They run the gamut in terms of use cases and technology.

Scratch Card CSS Reveal by Nicolas Jesenberger

This reveal effect mimics a real-world experience – using a scratch card. Use your finger or pointing device to “scratch” off the silver foil. You’ll find a little surprise underneath. It’s both clever and well-executed.

See the Pen Scratch Card by Nicolas Jesenberger

Magic Wand Reveal by Kalis Network

Here’s a snippet that takes web magic to the next level. Move the magic wand from left to right to reveal the image gallery underneath. There’s also a subtle effect for nearby images. They’re blurry and displayed with a lower opacity.

See the Pen Magic Reveal by Kalis Network

Circular Reveal Animation by Liza Shermayster

You don’t need to go overboard with reveal effects. This simple presentation reveals more of the image upon hover. And it also adds a classy text animation. It would work well on a portfolio or About Us page.

See the Pen circular reveal animation by Liza Shermayster

Text Reveal Animation by Owlypixel

How about a reveal effect that happens automatically? This animated headline is beautiful and sure to get a user’s attention. It’s also powered by CSS. That means there are no messy scripts to slow down your page load times. The JavaScript used in the snippet refreshes the demo.

See the Pen Text Reveal Animation by Owlypixel

Ink Transition Reveal by Ryan Yu

These scroll-based animations are incredible. The artwork appears to be drawn on your screen as you scroll. The effect creates a mood to enhance the UX. It’s a case of special effects fitting the content to a tee.

See the Pen Ink transition effect with PNG sprite by Ryan Yu (@iamryanyu)

Movie Poster Interaction Reveal by Ethan

Card UIs are a popular design element these days. But there’s only so much content they can hold. This snippet offers a solid workaround. Hover over a card to reveal further content. The layout remains neat while adding a bit of interactivity.

See the Pen Movie Poster Interaction by Ethan

Page Reveal Effect by Kevin Levron

Yes, you can use reveal effects for an entire page! And this tool can help you create the perfect fit for your project. Choose from several animation types and other options to build a beautiful presentation. Plus, it’s just plain fun to experiment with.

See the Pen Page Reveal Effect (CSS/VueJS) by Kevin Levron

Accessible Offcanvas Reveals by Vasileios Mitsaras

Offcanvas elements are a handy place to store extra info. They’re often used to hide mobile navigation so that users can focus on content. This demo uses jQuery to add elements that can be revealed in multiple ways.

See the Pen Accessible Offcanvas by Vasileios Mitsaras

A Revealing Way to Build a UI

Reveal effects can take many forms. They’re suitable for everything from a corporate website to an online game. Their potential is vast and varied.

It’s still important to consider the impact on users, though. The best implementations feel natural and add to the UX. Therefore, it’s best to avoid effects that get in the way of accessing content.

Thankfully, CSS and JavaScript provide plenty of leeway. You can use the combination that works best for your project.

Want to see even more reveal effects? Check out our CodePen collection!

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How WordPress Democratizes Publishing & Fuels an Economy

It seems like an odd mix on the surface. On one hand, WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that aims to democratize publishing.

It’s right there in the mission statement. That harkens back to its roots as a blogging platform. We install the software and push our content out into the world.

On the other hand, WordPress has become a tool to make money. Freelancers, agencies, and DIY users can build commercial websites with it. Developers create themes and plugins as part of an ecosystem.

Just so we’re clear: A corporation can use WordPress to bolster its billion-dollar portfolio. Just as a teenager can publish their thoughts.

Perhaps this sounds like two mutually exclusive ventures. However, they’ve coexisted for over 20 years.

That’s the juxtaposition of free, open-source software. So far, WordPress has handled it as well as anyone.

How has the project done it? And what potential risks could derail the balance? Let’s attempt to make sense of it all!

A Foundation for the Web

WordPress project co-founder Matt Mullenweg has said he wants the software to be the “operating system for the open web.” It’s one way to marry commercialization with democratization.

It makes sense for content creators and site builders. The software serves as a foundational piece. It’s free, widely supported, and extensible. Take it and build whatever you want.

This idea borrows from operating systems like Linux, MacOS, and Windows. They lay the foundation for a variety of use cases. An enterprise IT department depends on an OS. So does a student or small business.

Free software lowers the barrier to entry. Sure, there’s a cost associated with hosting a website. However, you’re not stuck with a particular host. WordPress is open-source. It can be hosted just about anywhere – even on a local machine.

This allows for a multitude of possibilities. One can publish, make money, or both. Those interested in web development can learn the software’s inner workings.

Expand it, change it, or use it as-is. That’s the flexibility of WordPress.

How WordPress Democratizes Publishing & Fuels an Economy

The Challenge of a Diverse User Base

As a project, WordPress has adeptly walked a tightrope. It has provided an opportunity for people around the world. It has also created an economy based on its ecosystem and custom development potential.

Maintaining balance is a challenge – and a great responsibility. The software must remain an attractive option for both camps.

Bloggers and small organizations depend on WordPress for low-or-no-cost flexibility. Developers, freelancers, and agencies want a powerful tool to fuel their growth.

That’s why some features spark debate. Take the Block Editor, for example.

Theme and plugin developers were concerned about this shift toward block-based content. How would it impact their products? Would they be rendered useless? Or require a complete overhaul?

Everyday users also had concerns. Would a new editing experience make it harder to publish blog posts? How large is the learning curve? Would it leave their existing website in the dust?

User perception also plays a role. Some may see a feature as favoring one side or the other. Sometimes, commercial and individual interests diverge.

That places project leadership in a tough spot. You can’t please everyone. But serving a diverse user base is part of the job.

WordPress has catered to a diverse user base for over 20 years

Keeping the Coexistence for Years to Come

So, how can WordPress continue to provide the best solution for both worlds? It will take a concerted effort. And things seem to be off to a good start.

Recent years have seen a focus on ease of use. In addition, tools like the Site Editor aim to make a default WordPress install more powerful. Plans for a redesigned admin interface are also in the works.

These are all positive steps. A more user-friendly WordPress opens the door to attracting more users. Novices will be able to get started more quickly.

There are also opportunities for those with a commercial agenda. Commercial block themes have yet to take off. But block-based plugins have. There is plenty of space for growth in these areas.

What could go wrong? There are a few potential trouble spots.

A change in project leadership could push WordPress in a more commercial direction. A new regime could theoretically focus on features that primarily benefit corporate users.

The composition of WordPress project teams could also have an influence. Yes, some contributors are volunteers. However, sponsored contributors are only increasing their role in how things work.

One or more sponsor companies may gain an outsized say in the future. What if a future WordPress version integrated something akin to Google’s AMP? This nominally open-sourced technology caused a stir. This sort of move could harm the software’s reputation.

That’s just an example – however unlikely. The point is that maintaining balance requires stewardship. It’s an important part of the project’s future success.

Stewardship will help WordPress continue to serve a wide array of users

It’s Possible to Do Good and Make Money

As a market leader, WordPress is in a unique position. It’s not a commercial product. However, we can use it for commercial purposes.

The software can also give an online voice to just about anyone. It’s a tool that facilitates free speech – even if a person’s circumstances can get in the way.

And, unlike large companies, the WordPress project isn’t beholden to anyone. For example, it doesn’t have to bend to the will of an oppressive regime to access its people. There’s no profit or shareholders to worry about.

Let’s hope it stays that way. We’re living in a world where costs are rising – as are barriers. WordPress bucks this trend as free software.

All you need is a copy of WordPress and an idea. What’s next is up to you.

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20+ Free Analog Film Lightroom Presets for Photographers

Analog film aesthetics hold a timeless appeal in digital photography, offering a distinctive look that can create a feeling of nostalgia and rustic artistry. The rich tones, subtle grain, and little imperfections of analog film create a depth often sought after by photographers.

Achieving these effects can be challenging with modern digital tools alone, but Lightroom presets will help to simplify the process. They’re invaluable to photographers who are looking to replicate those classic film styles. These pre-configured Lightroom settings allow you to apply specific styles to your photos with just a couple of clicks, saving time and ensuring consistency across all of your shots.

Whether you’re striving for Kodachrome’s vibrant colors or Fujifilm’s muted tones, these presets offer an easy and effective way to transform your digital shots. In this collection, we share the best free analog film Lightroom presets currently available, each designed to bring the charm of vintage photography to your modern digital workflow.

This free preset offers a nostalgic film look with balanced colors and soft contrasts, mimicking the classic 800 ISO film. It is Ideal for portraits and landscapes and delivers a subtle, timeless aesthetic.

20+ Free Analog Film Lightroom Presets for Photographers

These presets deliver a vintage feel with warm tones and soft highlights. They are perfect for achieving an old-school look on both desktop and mobile and are great for lifestyle, portrait, and travel photography.

Retro Analog Lightroom Desktop Mobile Analogue Film Download

Kodachrome 64 emulates the iconic Kodak film style with vibrant colors and sharp contrasts. This free preset is suitable for various photography styles and brings out rich hues and fine details, making it ideal for portraits, landscapes, and travel photos.

Kodak Kodachrome 64 Lightroom  Analogue Film Free to Download

The Lightroom preset collection offers a diverse set of presets that replicate classic film aesthetics. They have been designed to enhance color richness and add a vintage feel to photos.

Analogue Film Collection Lightroom Presets Analogue Film Free to Download

Kinsfolk 1888 provides a nostalgic film look with muted tones and subtle grain. Perfect for simulating a vintage atmosphere. These presets work well for portraits, and lifestyle photography, adding a timeless quality to your images.

Kinsfolk 1888 Lightroom Presets Analogue Film Free to Download

Analogue Beauty mimics the charm of Kodak 35mm film, offering a selection of presets that enrich color and add a vintage quality. They’re great for portraits, street photography, and lifestyle shots.

Analogue Beauty Kodak & 35mm Lightroom Presets Analogue Film Free to Download

This free preset recreates the classic film look with rich colors and subtle grain. Ideal for portraits, landscapes, and street photography. It provides a timeless aesthetic, enhancing photos with a nostalgic, cinematic feel.

Analog Film Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

These presets offer a classic film look with soft colors and smooth contrasts, ideal for portraits and lifestyle photography. They emulate the iconic Kodak Portra film, enhancing skin tones and adding a warm, vintage feel to your photos.

Portra Film Lightroom Mobile Desktop Presets Analogue Film Free to Download

This free preset will enhance your photos with vibrant colors and fine grain, emulating the popular Kodak Ektar 100 film effect. Suitable for various styles, this preset brings out rich details and bold hues, perfect for outdoor and travel photography.

Kodak Ektar 100 Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This preset replicates the nostalgic 35mm film aesthetic. It provides a classic analog look with rich colors and balanced contrast, ideal for adding rustic charm to your photos.

35mm Analog Film Desktop & Mobile Lightroom Analogue Film Free to Download

This preset mimics the distinctive look of overexposed Kodak film. It enhances images with brighter highlights, softer shadows, and a slightly washed-out effect, creating a dreamy quality in photographs.

Kodak Film Overexposed Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This Lightroom collection includes multiple presets designed to enhance photos with a natural analog film look. It provides consistency, a recognizable style, and a beautiful sun-kissed feel for your photos.

Analog Lightroom Presets For Mobile Desktop Analogue Film Free to Download

This free collection offers various presets that emulate classic analog film aesthetics. These presets enhance photos with rich tones and a timeless vintage feel. They can be used on both Lightroom mobile and classic.

Analog Film Mobile Desktop Lightroom Presets Analogue Film Free to Download

This free Lightroom preset offers a sophisticated film emulation, enhancing your photos with elegant tones and a polished finish. Ideal for fashion and portrait photography, it will add a touch of cinematic quality to your shot.

Vogue Film Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This ColorMax Film preset will enrich your photos with vibrant, natural colors without oversaturation. It slightly lowers contrast for a balanced look, enhancing color depth and detail.

ColorMax Film Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This free preset replicates the charming retro film effect of Kodak’s single-use camera. It enhances photos with light, warm tones, adding a nostalgic and playful feel to various photography styles.

Kodak Funtime Retro Film Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This preset emulates the iconic Kodak Portra 400 film, known for its exceptional color accuracy and fine grain. It enhances digital photos with natural skin tones and balanced color saturation, perfect for portraits and general photography.

Kodak Portra 400 Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This free preset collection mimics the aesthetic of vintage analog film and will add classic film tones, a balanced contrast, and a nostalgic feel to your photos. The preset is suitable for both color and black and white photography.

Analog Film Tone Lightroom Presets Analogue Film Free to Download

This free Lightroom preset, inspired by Fujifilm film, will enrich your photos with vibrant colors and dynamic contrasts. It brings out rich details and vivid tones, making it ideal for portraits and landscapes.

Fujifilm Dynamic Lightroom Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This preset recreates the iconic look of Kodak Ektachrome film. It features a soft matte texture, vibrant yet natural colors, and balanced contrast, ideal for achieving a classic film appearance in your photos.

Kodak Ektachrome Film Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This preset mimics the aesthetics of traditional analog cameras. It enhances photos with vintage tones, balanced contrast, and a slightly muted color palette, creating a nostalgic and timeless feel.

Analog Camera Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This free Lightroom preset emulates the look of Fuji Superia 800 film, enhancing your shots with vibrant yet natural colors. It will add depth to your photos while maintaining smooth skin tones.

Superia 800 Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This preset captures the distinctive look of Fujifilm Cool Chrome film. It adds cool tones, increased contrast, and vibrant colors to photos, perfect for achieving a modern, polished look in Lightroom.

Fujifilm Cool Chrome Film Lightooom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

This free preset will give your photos a retro feel with light magenta hues. It creates a soft, vintage look reminiscent of old film, ideal for adding a nostalgic touch to various photography styles.

79th Old Film Lightroom Preset Analogue Film Free to Download

Analog Film Lightroom Preset FAQ

  • What are analog film Lightroom presets?

    They are pre-configured settings designed to replicate the look of traditional analog film. They provide the distinctive tones, colors, and grain associated with classic film photography.

  • How do analog film presets enhance my photos?

    They will transform your photos by adding rich tones, unique grains, and balanced contrast, giving them a timeless and nostalgic feel.

  • Are these presets compatible with all versions of Lightroom?

    Most analog film presets work with Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Mobile. Before downloading, check the specific compatibility details of each preset.

  • How do I install these Lightroom presets?

    Open Lightroom and go to the Develop module. In the Presets panel, right-click and select Import. Locate the downloaded preset files and import them.

  • Can I make adjustments to the presets after applying them?

    Yes, these presets are fully customizable. You can tweak exposure, contrast, color, and other settings to match your desired aesthetic.

  • Are analog film presets suitable for all types of photography?

    They are versatile and can enhance various photography styles, including portraits, landscapes, and street photography. Experiment with different presets to find the best fit for your photos.

The Perfect Analog Aesthetic

These presets will save time, help maintain consistency, and simplify the editing process, making it easier to capture the desired analog aesthetic you have been looking for. They allow you to quickly add those rich tones, unique grains, and distinctive analog film effects to your photos.

Experiment with these presets and find the best fit for your personal photography style. Each preset provides a different interpretation of analog film, allowing you to explore various styles and enhance your creative expression.

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Creativity Hasn’t Left Web Design – It’s Just Different

Creativity can be freeing for web designers. There’s nothing quite like reaching that “a-ha” moment. It’s when an idea transfers from your head to a screen.

I had that feeling a lot during my early days in this industry. My work wasn’t great, mind you. But I felt the thrill of doing things I’d never done. And it was even better if I had made a client happy.

There was a lot of creative energy back then. The web was a new medium – and we were building it as we went along.

It’s no secret that the industry has changed dramatically. The old methods of building websites are gone. Now, we work with advanced tools and premade elements.

I sometimes feel like web design has lost its creative flair. Has it? Or have we changed how we use our creativity?

Let’s explore what it means to be creative in modern web design.

We No Longer Build from Scratch

An original web design isn’t always a top priority these days. We often prioritize efficiency, usability, and accessibility in our builds.

To that end, we start projects with frameworks and themes that provide a head start. Tools like Tailwind CSS feature readymade layouts and components. WordPress themes may offer a complete website for us to customize. And we can’t forget about the advent of block patterns.

That’s the reverse of how things used to work. We used to fire up Photoshop or some other design tool. We’d start with a blank canvas and build from scratch.

It’s easy to romanticize that era. We may think of web design as a lost art. It’s as if we were craftspeople who built sites the right way. None of these modern tools could match those techniques.

But that practice isn’t sustainable for busy designers. There’s not enough time or budget for a long design process. Not when there are multiple projects to complete.

For better or worse, our workflows have changed. Web designers have had to adapt to keep pace.

Creativity Hasn’t Left Web Design – It’s Just Different

Adding a Personal Touch to Predesigned Components

How can we be creative when using predesigned components? Complete originality may be out of the question. However, there’s still an opportunity to add a personal touch.

There is no shortage of areas to change. An element’s color, size, and typography are prime examples. We don’t have to settle for the default look.

We can also choose components that include minimal styling. The WordPress block editor works this way. A default implementation is typically barebones. Tailwind CSS also prioritizes utility over looks.

Knowledge of these tools also helps. We can design in Figma with specific components in mind. That allows us to use our imagination while staying within the lines.

The process is reminiscent of a collage artist. It’s about pulling all of these different pieces together. From there, we seek to create a seamless user experience. The results can be compelling.

The added layer of convenience might make us feel guilty, though. For instance, page builder tools take the pain out of design. It’s more paint-by-numbers than drawing from memory.

Did we even “create” anything here?

It's still possible to add a personal touch when using website themes and frameworks.

Modern Web Design Is a Different Artform

Sure, the design process has changed. That doesn’t mean we’re no longer being creative, though.

We’re still using our creativity – just in a different way. We’re using our knowledge and experience to build the best website possible. And we’re using our keen eye to make it beautiful and functional.

If anything, we’re fortunate to have these new tools and frameworks. Websites are becoming more complex all the time.

Perhaps that makes web design harder than ever. Designing from scratch and managing functionality might be too much to handle.

Our focus needs to be in many places at once. So, maybe we’re creating a collage while juggling!

Web designers have found new ways to use their creativity.

Find New Ways to Be Creative

One positive development is that designers don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We spend less time on the basics. That allows us time to concentrate on the details.

It’s the little things that can make a website stand out. We now have the tools to give us a head start.

Yes, these new methods can be limiting at times. However, web designers have plenty of experience in that area.

There have always been parameters for us to work within. It used to be the limits of CSS or user devices. Now, we try to bend and shape tools to match our needs. That also takes creativity.

You know what? Despite my initial concerns, those “a-ha” moments still exist. The change is in how we create them.

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20+ Best Free Halftone Photoshop Brush Sets for Digital Artists

Halftone Photoshop brushes are typically used to create a dotted effect, reminiscent of old print media. They are useful for adding a vintage or comic book appearance to digital artwork, making them a popular choice for artists looking to add depth and texture to their work.

Halftone brushes can be used to create backgrounds, add shading, and greatly enhance illustrations. They are popular in comic book art, poster designs, and retro-style graphics. They can transform simple graphics into detailed and engaging visuals, making them valuable resources for artists looking to add a professional touch to their projects.

In this collection, you will find some of the best free halftone Photoshop brush packs currently available. They are perfect for digital designers at all skill levels and provide a range of options to suit various styles and requirements.

This set includes ten high-resolution halftone brushes, all perfect for creating unique digital art. You can also customize colors, sizes, and positions.

20+ Best Free Halftone Photoshop Brush Sets for Digital Artists

This free brush pack has been created to give your lettering a retro or vintage look and feel. Created by Ryan Hamrick, this halftone brush set is excellent for adding a subtle textures and a touch of shading to your typography.

Halftone Photoshop Brushes by Ryan Hamrick Free

This pack offers 12 grunge-style brushes ideal for graphic novels and distressed art. You will also get four high-resolution vintage paper textures.

Halftone Grunge Photoshop Brushes Free

This huge collection of free Photoshop brushes is perfect for anyone wanting to experiment with their digital art using different halftone effects. You can also use them in Gimp, Affinity Designer, and Procreate.

Halftone Brushes for Photoshop Free

This shadow-hatching pack contains over twenty halftone line brushes, plus a set of high-resolution vintage paper textures as a bonus. These brushes are perfect for projects that need a light vintage touch.

Halftone Lines Vintage Photoshop Brushes Free

This halftone brush set adds a light touch of age and distress to your digital artwork. There are seven free brushes in this pack, and you can use them for your commercial work.

Retro Halftone Photoshop Brushes Free

This pop-art-inspired set includes 18 square and dot brushes, all perfect for creating vintage comic books, retro artwork, or enhancing existing designs with a vintage flair.

Dots & Squares Halftone Photoshop Brushes Free

This free collection comes with fifteen high-resolution brushes, all ideal for creating detailed halftone effects. Each brush is over 2500 pixels, allowing for precise and impactful digital art.

2500px Halftone Photoshop Brushes Free

More Halftone Photoshop Brushes

These free brush sets were created using older versions of Photoshop but will still work in the latest versions. They are also not of as high a resolution as the brush packs above, but they are all still high-quality and worth your consideration.

How to Install Brushes in Photoshop

With these simple steps, you will be able to quickly download, install, and organize your halftone brushes in Photoshop, ensuring they’re always at your disposal for your design projects.

  • Download the Brush Pack: Choose and download the Photoshop brush pack you want to use and save the file to your computer.
  • Extract the Files: Locate the downloaded ZIP file, right-click it, and select Extract All to unzip it. Save the extracted files in a folder on your desktop.
  • Open Photoshop: Launch Photoshop on your computer.
  • Access the Brushes Panel: Go to Photoshop’s top menu, click Window, and then select Brushes from the dropdown menu to open the Brushes panel.
  • Import the Halftone Brushes: In the Brushes panel, click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner. Select Import Brushes and navigate to the folder where you saved the extracted brush files. Select the .abr file and click Open to import the brushes.
  • Organize Your Brushes: Click the folder icon at the base of the Brushes panel to create a new brush group. Name the group (e.g., “New Halftone Brushes“) and drag the imported brushes into this folder. This helps keep your brushes organized and makes it easy to find them the next time you need them.

Halftone Brush Packs FAQ

  • What are halftone brushes?

    They are resources used in digital design to create patterns of dots or lines. These patterns simulate different shades of color, adding texture and depth to digital artwork.

  • Why should I use halftone brushes?

    Halftone brushes can add a vintage or comic book style to your work. They can make flat graphics more interesting and give your projects a unique, textured look.

  • Can I use these halftone brushes for commercial projects?

    It depends on the license of each brush pack. Check the terms of use provided by the creator. Some brushes are free for personal use, while others may be used commercially.

  • Are halftone brushes compatible with other design software?

    These brushes have been created for Photoshop, but some may work with other design applications like GIMP or Procreate. Check the compatibility before downloading.

  • How can I improve my designs look better with halftone brushes?

    Use halftone brushes to add texture to flat areas of your design. Combine them with other design elements, like shapes and colors, to create more dynamic compositions.

  • Can I adjust the size of halftone brushes in Photoshop?

    , you can. Use the brush size slider in the Brushes panel (or press the bracket keys) to re-size the brush.

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