Street smarts

Dozens of major research labs dot the streets of Kendall Square, a Cambridge, Massachusetts, neighborhood in which MIT partially sits. But for Andres Sevtsuk’s City Form Lab, the streets of Kendall Square themselves, and those in other cities, are subjects for research.

Sevtsuk is an associate professor of urban science and planning at MIT and a leading expert in urban form and spatial analysis. His work examines how the design of built environments affects social life within them. The way cities are structured influences whether street-level retail commerce can thrive, whether and how much people walk, and how much they encounter each other face to face.

“City environments that allow us to get more things done on foot tend to not only make people healthier, but they are more sustainable in terms of emissions and energy use, and they provide more social encounters between different members of society, which is fundamental to democracy,” Sevtsuk says.

However, many things Sevtsuk studies do not come with much pre-existing data. While some aspects of cities are studied extensively — vehicle traffic, for instance — fewer people have studied how urban planning affects walking and cycling, which most city governments seek to increase. 

To counter this trend, several years ago Sevtsuk and some research assistants began studying foot traffic in several cities, as well as Kendall Square — how much people walk, where they go, and why. Most urban walking trips are destination-driven: People go to offices, eateries, and transit stops. But a lot of pedestrian activity is also recreational and social, such as sitting in a square, people-watching, and window-shopping. Eventually Sevtsuk emerged with an innovative model of pedestrian activity, which is based around these spatial networks of interaction and calibrated to observed people counts.

He and his colleagues then scaled up their model and took it to major cities around the world, starting with the whole downtown of Melbourne, Australia. The model now includes detailed street characteristics — sidewalk dimensions, the presence of ground floor businesses, landscaping, and more — and Sevtsuk has also helped apply it to Beirut and, most recently, New York City.

The project is typical of Sevtsuk’s research, which creates new ways to bring data to urban design. In 2023, Sevtsuk and his colleagues also released a novel open-source tool, called TILE2NET, to automatically map city sidewalks from aerial imagery. He has even studied interactions on the MIT campus, in a 2022 paper quantifying how spatial relatedness between departments and centers affects communications among them.

“Applying spatial analytics to city design is timely today because when it comes to cutting carbon emissions and energy consumption, or improving public health, or supporting local business on city streets, they relate to how cities are configured,” Sevtsuk says. “Urban designers have historically not been very focused on quantifying those effects. But studying these dynamics can help us understand how social interactions in cities work and how proposed interventions may impact a community.”

For his research and teaching, Sevtsuk received tenure at MIT earlier this year.

Growing and living in cities

Sevtsuk is originally from Tartu, Estonia, where his experiences helped attune him to the street life of cities.

“I do think where I come from enhanced my interest in urban design,” Sevtsuk says. “I grew up in public housing. That very much framed my appreciation for public amenities. Your home was where you slept, but everything else, where you played as a child or found cultural entertainment as a teenager, was in the public sphere of the city.”

Initially interested in studying architecture, Sevtsuk received a BArch degree from the Estonian Academy of Arts, then a BArch from the Ecole d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires, in Paris. Over time, he became increasingly interested in city design and planning, and enrolled as a master’s student at MIT, earning his SMArchS degree in 2006 while studying how technology could help us better understand urban social processes.

“MIT had a very strong research orientation for even masters-level students,” Sevtsuk says. “It is famous for that. I came because I was drawn to the opportunity to get hands-on into research around city design.”

Sevtsuk stayed at MIT for his doctoral studies, earning his PhD in 2010, with the late William Mitchell as his principal advisor. “Bill was interested in the influence of technology on cities,” says Sevtsuk, who appreciated the wide-ranging intellectual milieu that sprang up around Mitchell. “A lot of fascinating and intellectually experimental people gravitated around Bill.”

With his PhD in hand, Sevtstuk then joined an MIT collaboration at the new Singapore University of Technology and Design, a couple of years after it first opened.

“That was a lot of fun, building a new university, and we were teaching the first cohort and first courses,” Sevtsuk says. “It was an exciting project.”

Living in Asia also helped open doors for some hands-on research in Singapore and Indonesia, where Sevtsuk worked with city governments and the World Bank on urban planning and design projects in several cities.

“There was not a lot of data, and yet we had to think about how spatial analyses could be deployed to support planning decisions,” Sevtsuk says. “It forced you to think how to apply methods without abundant data in the traditional sense. In retrospect some of the software around pedestrian modeling we developed was influenced by these constraints, from understanding the minimum data inputs needed to capture people’s mobility dynamics in a neighborhood.”

From Melbourne to the Infinite Corridor

Returning to the U.S., Sevtsuk took a faculty position at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design in 2015. He then joined the MIT faculty in 2019.

Throughout his career, Sevtsuk’s projects have consistently added insight to existing data or created all-new repositories of data for wider use. His team’s work in Melbourne leveraged a rare case of a city with copious pedestrian data of its own. There, Sevtsuk found the model not only explained foot traffic patterns but could also be used to forecast how changes in the built environment, such as new development projects, could affect foot traffic in different parts of the city.

In Beirut, the modeling work on improving community streets is part of post-disaster recovery after the Beirut port explosion of 2020. In New York, Sevtsuk and his colleagues are studying the largest pedestrian network in the U.S., covering all five boroughs of the city. The TILE2NET project, meanwhile, provides information for planners and experts in an area — sidewalk mapping — which most places do not have data on either.

When it came to studying the MIT campus, Sevtsuk brought new a new approach to a subject with an Institute legacy: An earlier campus professor, Thomas Allen of the MIT Sloan School of Management, did pioneering research about workspace design and collaboration. Sevtsuk and his team, however, looked at the larger campus as a network.

Linking spatial relations and email communication, they found that not only does the level of interaction between MIT departments and labs increase when those units are spatially closer to each other, but it also increases when their members are more likely to walk past each other’s offices on their daily routes to work or when they patronize the same eateries on campus.

Urban design for the people

Sevtsuk thinks about his own work as being not just data-driven but part of a larger refashioning of the field of urban design. In American cities, urban design may still be associated with the large-scale redevelopment of neighborhoods that took place in the first few postwar decades: massive freeways tearing through cities and dislocating older business districts, and large housing and office projects undertaken in the name of modernization and tax revenue increases but not in the interests of existing residents and workers. Many of these projects were disastrous for urban communities.

By the 1960s and 1970s, urban planning programs around the country attempted to quell the inadequacy of large-scale urban design and instead focused on the social and economic needs of communities first. The role of urban design was somewhat sidelined in this transition. But instead of giving up on urban design as a tool for community improvement, Sevtsuk thinks that planning and urban design research can help uncover the important ways in which design can support communities in their daily lives as much as community development initiatives and policies can.

“There was a turn in the field of planning away from urban design as a central area of focus, toward more sociologically grounded community-driven approaches,” Sevtsuk says. “And for good reasons. But during these decades, some of the most anti-urban, car-oriented, and resource-intensive built environments in the U.S. were created, which we now need to deal with.”

He adds: “In my work I try to quantify effects of urban design on people, from mobility outcomes, to generating social encounters, to supporting small local businesses on city streets. In my research group we try to connect urban design back to the qualities that people and communities care about. Faced with the profound climate challenges today, we must better understand the influence of urban design on society — on carbon emissions, on health, on social exchange, and even on democracy, because it’s such a critical dimension.”

A dedicated teacher, Sevtsuk works with students with broad backgrounds and interests from across the Institute. One of his main classes, 11.001 (Introduction to Urban Design and Development), draws students from many departments — including computer science, civil engineering, and management — who want to contribute to sustainable and equitable cities. He also teaches an applied class on modeling pedestrian activity, and his research group draws students and researchers from many countries.

“What resonates with students is that when we look closely at the complex organized systems of cities, we can make sense of how they work,” Sevtsuk says. “But we can also figure out how to change them, how to nudge them toward collective improvement. And many MIT students are eager to mobilize their amazing technical skills towards that quest.”

MIT affiliates named 2024 Schmidt Futures AI2050 Fellows

Five MIT faculty members and two additional alumni were recently named to the 2024 cohort of AI2050 Fellows. The honor is announced annually by Schmidt Futures, Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s philanthropic initiative that aims to accelerate scientific innovation. 

Conceived and co-chaired by Eric Schmidt and James Manyika, AI2050 is a philanthropic initiative aimed at helping to solve hard problems in AI. Within their research, each fellow will contend with the central motivating question of AI2050: “It’s 2050. AI has turned out to be hugely beneficial to society. What happened? What are the most important problems we solved and the opportunities and possibilities we realized to ensure this outcome?”

This year’s MIT-affiliated AI2050 Fellows include:

David Autor, the Daniel (1972) and Gail Rubinfeld Professor in the MIT Department of Economics, and co-director of the MIT Shaping the Future of Work Initiative and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Labor Studies Program, has been named a 2024 AI2050 senior fellow. His scholarship explores the labor-market impacts of technological change and globalization on job polarization, skill demands, earnings levels and inequality, and electoral outcomes. Autor’s AI2050 project will leverage real-time data on AI adoption to clarify how new tools interact with human capabilities in shaping employment and earnings. The work will provide an accessible framework for entrepreneurs, technologists, and policymakers seeking to understand, tangibly, how AI can complement human expertise. Autor has received numerous awards and honors, including a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship, and the Heinz 25th Special Recognition Award from the Heinz Family Foundation for his work “transforming our understanding of how globalization and technological change are impacting jobs and earning prospects for American workers.” In 2023, Autor was one of two researchers across all scientific fields selected as a NOMIS Distinguished Scientist.

Sara Beery, an assistant professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and a principal investigator in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), has been named an early career fellow. Beery’s work focuses on building computer vision methods that enable global-scale environmental and biodiversity monitoring across data modalities and tackling real-world challenges, including strong spatiotemporal correlations, imperfect data quality, fine-grained categories, and long-tailed distributions. She collaborates with nongovernmental organizations and government agencies to deploy her methods worldwide and works toward increasing the diversity and accessibility of academic research in artificial intelligence through interdisciplinary capacity-building and education. Beery earned a BS in electrical engineering and mathematics from Seattle University and a PhD in computing and mathematical sciences from Caltech, where she was honored with the Amori Prize for her outstanding dissertation.

Gabriele Farina, an assistant professor in EECS and a principal investigator in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), has been named an early career fellow. Farina’s work lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, computer science, operations research, and economics. Specifically, he focuses on learning and optimization methods for sequential decisio­­­n-making and convex-concave saddle point problems, with applications to equilibrium finding in games. Farina also studies computational game theory and recently served as co-author on a Science study about combining language models with strategic reasoning. He is a recipient of a NeurIPS Best Paper Award and was a Facebook Fellow in economics and computer science. His dissertation was recognized with the 2023 ACM SIGecom Doctoral Dissertation Award and one of the two 2023 ACM Dissertation Award Honorable Mentions, among others.

Marzyeh Ghassemi PhD ’17, an associate professor in EECS and the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, principal investigator at CSAIL and LIDS, and affiliate of the Abdul Latif Jameel Clinic for Machine Learning in Health and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, has been named an early career fellow. Ghassemi’s research in the Healthy ML Group creates a rigorous quantitative framework in which to design, develop, and place ML models in a way that is robust and fair, focusing on health settings. Her contributions range from socially aware model construction to improving subgroup- and shift-robust learning methods to identifying important insights in model deployment scenarios that have implications in policy, health practice, and equity. Among other awards, Ghassemi has been named one of MIT Technology Review’s 35 Innovators Under 35; and has been awarded the 2018 Seth J. Teller Award, the 2023 MIT Prize for Open Data, a 2024 NSF CAREER Award, and the Google Research Scholar Award. She founded the nonprofit Association for Health, Inference and Learning (AHLI) and her work has been featured in popular press such as Forbes, Fortune, MIT News, and The Huffington Post.

Yoon Kim, an assistant professor in EECS and a principal investigator in CSAIL, has been named an early career fellow. Kim’s work straddles the intersection between natural language processing and machine learning, and touches upon efficient training and deployment of large-scale models, learning from small data, neuro-symbolic approaches, grounded language learning, and connections between computational and human language processing. Affiliated with CSAIL, Kim earned his PhD in computer science at Harvard University; his MS in data science from New York University; his MA in statistics from Columbia University; and his BA in both math and economics from Cornell University. 

Additional alumni Roger Grosse PhD ’14, a computer science associate professor at the University of Toronto, and David Rolnick ’12, PhD ’18, assistant professor at Mila-Quebec AI Institute, were also named senior and early career fellows, respectively.

Artifacts from a half-century of cancer research

Throughout 2024, MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research has celebrated 50 years of MIT’s cancer research program and the individuals who have shaped its journey. In honor of this milestone anniversary year, on Nov. 19 the Koch Institute celebrated the opening of a new exhibition: Object Lessons: Celebrating 50 Years of Cancer Research at MIT in 10 Items. 

Object Lessons invites the public to explore significant artifacts — from one of the earliest PCR machines, developed in the lab of Nobel laureate H. Robert Horvitz, to Greta, a groundbreaking zebra fish from the lab of Professor Nancy Hopkins — in the half-century of discoveries and advancements that have positioned MIT at the forefront of the fight against cancer. 

50 years of innovation

The exhibition provides a glimpse into the many contributors and advancements that have defined MIT’s cancer research history since the founding of the Center for Cancer Research in 1974. When the National Cancer Act was passed in 1971, very little was understood about the biology of cancer, and it aimed to deepen our understanding of cancer and develop better strategies for the prevention, detection, and treatment of the disease. MIT embraced this call to action, establishing a center where many leading biologists tackled cancer’s fundamental questions. Building on this foundation, the Koch Institute opened its doors in 2011, housing engineers and life scientists from many fields under one roof to accelerate progress against cancer in novel and transformative ways.

In the 13 years since, the Koch Institute’s collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to cancer research has yielded significant advances in our understanding of the underlying biology of cancer and allowed for the translation of these discoveries into meaningful patient impacts. Over 120 spin-out companies — many headquartered nearby in the Kendall Square area — have their roots in Koch Institute research, with nearly half having advanced their technologies to clinical trials or commercial applications. The Koch Institute’s collaborative approach extends beyond its labs: principal investigators often form partnerships with colleagues at world-renowned medical centers, bridging the gap between discovery and clinical impact.

Current Koch Institute Director Matthew Vander Heiden, also a practicing oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, is driven by patient stories. 

“It is never lost on us that the work we do in the lab is important to change the reality of cancer for patients,” he says. “We are constantly motivated by the urgent need to translate our research and improve outcomes for those impacted by cancer.”

Symbols of progress

The items on display as part of Object Lessons take viewers on a journey through five decades of MIT cancer research, from the pioneering days of Salvador Luria, founding director of the Center for Cancer Research, to some of the Koch Institute’s newest investigators, including Francisco Sánchez-Rivera, the Eisen and Chang Career Development Professor and an assistant professor of biology, and Jessica Stark, the Underwood-Prescott Career Development Professor and an assistant professor of biological engineering and chemical engineering.

Among the standout pieces is a humble yet iconic object: Salvador Luria’s ceramic mug, emblazoned with “Luria’s broth.” Lysogeny broth, often called — apocryphally — Luria Broth, is a medium for growing bacteria. Still in use today, the recipe was first published in 1951 by a research associate in Luria’s lab. The artifact, on loan from the MIT Museum, symbolizes the foundational years of the Center for Cancer Research and serves as a reminder of Luria’s influence as an early visionary. His work set the stage for a new era of biological inquiry that would shape cancer research at MIT for generations. 

Visitors can explore firsthand how the Koch Institute continues to build on the legacy of its predecessors, translating decades of knowledge into new tools and therapies that have the potential to transform patient care and cancer research.

For instance, the PCR machine designed in the Horvitz Lab in the 1980s made genetic manipulation of cells easier, and gene sequencing faster and more cost-effective. At the time of its commercialization, this groundbreaking benchtop unit marked a major leap forward. In the decades since, technological advances have allowed for the visualization of DNA and biological processes at a much smaller scale, as demonstrated by the handheld BioBits imaging device developed by Stark and on display next door to the Horvitz panel. 

“We created BioBits kits to address a need for increased equity in STEM education,” Stark says. “By making hands-on biology education approachable and affordable, BioBits kits are helping inspire and empower the next generation of scientists.”

While the exhibition showcases scientific discoveries and marvels of engineering, it also aims to underscore the human element of cancer research through personally significant items, such as a messenger bag and Seq-Well device belonging to Alex Shalek, J. W. Kieckhefer Professor in the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and the Department of Chemistry.

Shalek investigates the molecular differences between individual cells, developing mobile RNA-sequencing devices. He could often be seen toting the bag around the Boston area and worldwide as he perfected and shared his technology with collaborators near and far. Through his work, Shalek has helped to make single-cell sequencing accessible for labs in more than 30 countries across six continents. 

“The KI seamlessly brings together students, staff, clinicians, and faculty across multiple different disciplines to collaboratively derive transformative insights into cancer,” Shalek says. “To me, these sorts of partnerships are the best part about being at MIT.”

Around the corner from Shalek’s display, visitors will find an object that serves as a stark reminder of the real people impacted by Koch Institute research: Steven Keating’s SM ’12, PhD ’16 3D-printed model of his own brain tumor. Keating, who passed away in 2019, became a fierce advocate for the rights of patients to their medical data, and came to know Vander Heiden through his pursuit to become an expert on his tumor type, IDH-mutant glioma. In the years since, Vander Heiden’s work has contributed to a new therapy to treat Keating’s tumor type. In 2024, the drug, called vorasidenib, gained FDA approval, providing the first therapeutic breakthrough for Keating’s cancer in more than 20 years. 

As the Koch Institute looks to the future, Object Lessons stands as a celebration of the people, the science, and the culture that have defined MIT’s first half-century of breakthroughs and contributions to the field of cancer research.

“Working in the uniquely collaborative environment of the Koch Institute and MIT, I am confident that we will continue to unlock key insights in the fight against cancer,” says Vander Heiden. “Our community is poised to embark on our next 50 years with the same passion and innovation that has carried us this far.”

Object Lessons is on view in the Koch Institute Public Galleries Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., through spring semester 2025.

Teaching a robot its limits, to complete open-ended tasks safely

If someone advises you to “know your limits,” they’re likely suggesting you do things like exercise in moderation. To a robot, though, the motto represents learning constraints, or limitations of a specific task within the machine’s environment, to do chores safely and correctly.

For instance, imagine asking a robot to clean your kitchen when it doesn’t understand the physics of its surroundings. How can the machine generate a practical multistep plan to ensure the room is spotless? Large language models (LLMs) can get them close, but if the model is only trained on text, it’s likely to miss out on key specifics about the robot’s physical constraints, like how far it can reach or whether there are nearby obstacles to avoid. Stick to LLMs alone, and you’re likely to end up cleaning pasta stains out of your floorboards.

To guide robots in executing these open-ended tasks, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) used vision models to see what’s near the machine and model its constraints. The team’s strategy involves an LLM sketching up a plan that’s checked in a simulator to ensure it’s safe and realistic. If that sequence of actions is infeasible, the language model will generate a new plan, until it arrives at one that the robot can execute.

This trial-and-error method, which the researchers call “Planning for Robots via Code for Continuous Constraint Satisfaction” (PRoC3S), tests long-horizon plans to ensure they satisfy all constraints, and enables a robot to perform such diverse tasks as writing individual letters, drawing a star, and sorting and placing blocks in different positions. In the future, PRoC3S could help robots complete more intricate chores in dynamic environments like houses, where they may be prompted to do a general chore composed of many steps (like “make me breakfast”).

“LLMs and classical robotics systems like task and motion planners can’t execute these kinds of tasks on their own, but together, their synergy makes open-ended problem-solving possible,” says PhD student Nishanth Kumar SM ’24, co-lead author of a new paper about PRoC3S. “We’re creating a simulation on-the-fly of what’s around the robot and trying out many possible action plans. Vision models help us create a very realistic digital world that enables the robot to reason about feasible actions for each step of a long-horizon plan.”

The team’s work was presented this past month in a paper shown at the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) in Munich, Germany.

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Teaching a robot its limits for open-ended chores

The researchers’ method uses an LLM pre-trained on text from across the internet. Before asking PRoC3S to do a task, the team provided their language model with a sample task (like drawing a square) that’s related to the target one (drawing a star). The sample task includes a description of the activity, a long-horizon plan, and relevant details about the robot’s environment.

But how did these plans fare in practice? In simulations, PRoC3S successfully drew stars and letters eight out of 10 times each. It also could stack digital blocks in pyramids and lines, and place items with accuracy, like fruits on a plate. Across each of these digital demos, the CSAIL method completed the requested task more consistently than comparable approaches like “LLM3” and “Code as Policies”.

The CSAIL engineers next brought their approach to the real world. Their method developed and executed plans on a robotic arm, teaching it to put blocks in straight lines. PRoC3S also enabled the machine to place blue and red blocks into matching bowls and move all objects near the center of a table.

Kumar and co-lead author Aidan Curtis SM ’23, who’s also a PhD student working in CSAIL, say these findings indicate how an LLM can develop safer plans that humans can trust to work in practice. The researchers envision a home robot that can be given a more general request (like “bring me some chips”) and reliably figure out the specific steps needed to execute it. PRoC3S could help a robot test out plans in an identical digital environment to find a working course of action — and more importantly, bring you a tasty snack.

For future work, the researchers aim to improve results using a more advanced physics simulator and to expand to more elaborate longer-horizon tasks via more scalable data-search techniques. Moreover, they plan to apply PRoC3S to mobile robots such as a quadruped for tasks that include walking and scanning surroundings.

“Using foundation models like ChatGPT to control robot actions can lead to unsafe or incorrect behaviors due to hallucinations,” says The AI Institute researcher Eric Rosen, who isn’t involved in the research. “PRoC3S tackles this issue by leveraging foundation models for high-level task guidance, while employing AI techniques that explicitly reason about the world to ensure verifiably safe and correct actions. This combination of planning-based and data-driven approaches may be key to developing robots capable of understanding and reliably performing a broader range of tasks than currently possible.”

Kumar and Curtis’ co-authors are also CSAIL affiliates: MIT undergraduate researcher Jing Cao and MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science professors Leslie Pack Kaelbling and Tomás Lozano-Pérez. Their work was supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Office of Naval Research, the Army Research Office, MIT Quest for Intelligence, and The AI Institute.

Students strive for “Balance!” in a lively product showcase

On an otherwise dark and rainy Monday night, attendees packed Kresge Auditorium for a lively and colorful celebration of student product designs, as part of the final presentations for MIT’s popular class 2.009 (Product Engineering Processes).

With “Balance!” as its theme, the vibrant show attracted hundreds of attendees along with thousands more who tuned in online to see students pitch their products.

The presentations were the culmination of a semester’s worth of work in which six student teams were challenged to design, build, and draft a business plan for a product, in a process meant to emulate what engineers experience as part of a design team at a product development firm.

“This semester, we pushed the six teams to step outside of their comfort zones and find equilibrium between creativity and technical rigor, all as they embarked on a product engineering process journey,” said 2.009 lecturer Josh Wiesman.

Trying to find a balance

The course, known on campus as “two-double-oh-nine,” marks a colorful end to the fall semester on campus. Each team, named after a different color, was given mentors, access to makerspaces, and a budget of $7,500 to turn their ideas into working products. In the process, they learned about creativity, product design, and teamwork.

Various on-stage demonstrations and videos alluded to this year’s theme, from balance beam walks to scooter and skateboard rides.

“Balance is a word that can be used to describe stability, steadiness, symmetry, even fairness or impartiality,” said Professor Peko Hosoi, who co-instructed the class with Wiesman this semester. “Balance is something we all strive for, but we rarely stop to reflect on. Tonight, we invite you to reflect on balance and to celebrate the energy and creativity of each student and team.”

Safety first

The student products spanned industries and sectors. The Red Team developed a respirator for wildland firefighters, who work to prevent and control forest fires by building “fire lines.” Over the course of long days in challenging terrain, these firefighters use hand tools and chainsaws to create fire barriers by digging trenches, clearing vegetation, and other work based on soil and weather conditions. The team’s respirator is designed to comfortably rest on a user’s face and includes a battery-powered air filter the size of a large water bottle that can fit inside a backpack.

The mask includes a filter and a valve for exhalations, with a hose that connects to the blower unit. Team members said their system provides effective respiratory protection against airborne particles and organic vapors as users’ work. Each unit costs $40 to make, and the team plans to license the product to manufacturers, who can sell directly to fire departments and governments.

The Purple Team presented Contact, a crash-detection system designed to enhance safety for young bicycle riders. The device combines hardware and smart algorithms to detect accidents and alert parents or guardians. The system includes features like a head-sensing algorithm to minimize false alerts, plus a crash-detection algorithm that uses acceleration data to calculate injury severity. The compact device is splashproof and dustproof, includes Wi-Fi/LTE connectivity, and can run for a week on a single charge. With a retail price of $75 based on initial production of 5,000 units, the team plans to market the product to schools and outdoor youth groups, aiming to give young riders more independence while keeping them safe.

On ergonomics and rehabilitation

The Yellow Team presented an innovative device for knee rehabilitation. Their prototype is an adjustable, wearable device that monitors patients’ seated exercises in real-time. The data is processed by a mobile app and shared with the patient’s physical therapist, enabling tailored feedback and adjustments. The app also encourages patients to exercise each day, tracks range of motion, and gives therapists a quick overview of each patient’s progress. The product aims to improve recovery outcomes for postsurgery patients or those undergoing rehabilitation for knee-related injuries.

The Blue Team, meanwhile, presented Band-It, an ergonomic tool designed to address the issue of wrist pain among lobstermen. With their research showing that among the 20,000 lobstermen in North America, 1 in 3 suffer from wrist pain, the team developed a durable and simple-to-use banding tool. The product would retail for $50, with a manufacturing cost of $10.50, and includes a licensing model with 10 percent royalties plus a $5,000 base licensing fee. The team emphasized three key features: ergonomic design, simplicity, and durability.

Underwater solutions

Some products were designed for the sea. The Pink Team presented MARLIN (Marine Augmented Reality Lens Imaging Network), a system designed to help divers see more clearly underwater. The device integrates into diving masks and features a video projection system that improves visibility in murky or cloudy water conditions. The system creates a 3D-like view that helps divers better judge distances and depth, while also processing and improving the video feed in real-time to make it easier to see in poor conditions. The team included a hinged design that allows the system to be easily removed from the mask when needed.

The Green Team presented Neptune, an underwater communication device designed for beginner scuba divers. The system features six preprogrammed messages, including essential diving communications like “Ascend,” “Marine Life,” “Look at Me,” “Something’s Off,” “Air,” and “SOS.” The compact device has a range of 20 meters underwater, can operate at depths of up to 50 meters, and runs for six hours on a battery charge. Built with custom electronics to ensure clear and reliable communications underwater, Neptune is housed in a waterproof enclosure with an intuitive button interface. The communications systems will be sold to dive shops in packs of two for $800. The team plans to have dive shops rent the devices for $15 a dive.

“Product engineers of the future”

Throughout the night, spectators in Kresge cheered and waved colorful pompoms as teams demonstrated their prototypes and shared business plans. Teams pitched their products with videos, stories, and elaborate props.

In closing, Wiesman and Hosoi thanked the many people behind the scenes, from lab instructors and teaching assistants to those working to produce the night’s show. They also commended the students for embracing the rigorous and often chaotic coursework, all while striving for balance.

“This all started a mere 13 weeks ago with ideation, talking to people from all walks of life to understand their challenges and uncover problems and opportunities,” Hosoi said. “The class’s six phases of product design ultimately turned our students into product engineers of the future.”

Hank Green to deliver MIT’s 2025 Commencement address

Hank Green, a prolific digital content creator and entrepreneur with the ethos “make things, learn stuff,” will deliver the address at the OneMIT Commencement Ceremony on Thursday, May 29.

Since the 1990s, Green has launched, built, and sustained a wide-ranging variety of projects, from videos to podcasts to novels, many featuring STEM-related topics and a signature enthusiasm for the natural world and the human experience. He often collaborates with his brother, author John Green.

The Greens’ educational media company, Complexly, produces content that is used in high schools across the U.S. and has been viewed more than 2 billion times. The company continues to grow its large number of YouTube channels, including SciShow, which investigates everything from the deepest hole on Earth to the weirdest kinds of lightning. Videos on other channels, such as CrashCourse, ask questions like “Where did democracy come from?” and “Why do we study art?” On his own platforms, Green takes on virtually any topic under the sun, including the weird science of tattoos and how ferrofluid speakers work.

Green has also launched platforms to help support other content creators, including VidCon, the world’s largest gathering that celebrates the community, craft, and industry of online video, which was acquired by Viacom in 2018. He also launched the crowdfunding platform Subbable, which was later acquired by Patreon. His latest book is the New York Times best-selling “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor,” the sequel in a pair of novels that grapple with the implications of overnight fame, internet culture, and reality-shifting discoveries.

“Many of our students grew up captivated by the way Hank Green makes learning about complex science subjects accessible and fun — whether he’s describing climate change, electromagnetism, or the anatomy of a pelican,” says MIT President Sally Kornbluth. “Our students told us they wanted a Commencement speaker whose knowledge and insight are complemented by creativity, humor, and a sense of hope for the future. Hank and his endless curiosity more than fit the bill, and we’re thrilled to welcome him to join us in celebrating the Class of 2025.”

“I was just so honored to be invited,” Green says. “MIT has always represented the best of what happens when creativity meets rigorous inquiry, and I can’t wait to be part of this moment.”

Green has been a YouTube celebrity since starting a vlog with his brother in 2007, which led to the growth of a huge fanbase known as the NerdFighters and the Greens’ signature phrase “Don’t forget to be awesome.” Hank Green also writes songs and performs standup. Last summer he released a comedy special about his recent diagnosis and successful treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma.

“Hank Green shares our students’ boundless curiosity about how things work, and we’re excited to welcome such an enthusiastic educator to MIT. CrashCourse’s lucid, engaging videos have bolstered the efforts of millions of high-school students to master AP physical and social science curricula and have invited learners of all ages to better understand our universe, our planet and humanity,” says Les Norford, professor of architecture and chair of the Commencement Committee.

“Hank Green is an inspiration for those of us who want to make science and education accessible, and I’m eager to hear what words of wisdom he has for the graduating class. He embodies a pure and hopeful form of curiosity just like what I’ve observed across the MIT community,” says senior class president Megha Vemuri.

“As someone that has worked tirelessly to make science accessible to the public, Hank Green is an excellent choice for commencement speaker. He has commendably used his many skills to help improve the world,” says Teddy Warner, president of the Graduate Student Council.

Green joins notable recent MIT Commencement speakers including inventor and entrepreneur Noubar Afeyan (2024); YouTuber and inventor Mark Rober (2023); Director-General of the World Trade Organization Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (2022); lawyer and social justice activist Bryan Stevenson (2021); retired U.S. Navy four-star admiral William McRaven (2020); and three-term New York City mayor and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg (2019). 

Enabling a circular economy in the built environment

The amount of waste generated by the construction sector underscores an urgent need for embracing circularity — a sustainable model that aims to minimize waste and maximize material efficiency through recovery and reuse — in the built environment: 600 million tons of construction and demolition waste was produced in the United States alone in 2018, with 820 million tons reported in the European Union, and an excess of 2 billion tons annually in China.

This significant resource loss embedded in our current industrial ecosystem marks a linear economy that operates on a “take-make-dispose” model of construction; in contrast, the “make-use-reuse” approach of a circular economy offers an important opportunity to reduce environmental impacts.

A team of MIT researchers has begun to assess what may be needed to spur widespread circular transition within the built environment in a new open-access study that aims to understand stakeholders’ current perceptions of circularity and quantify their willingness to pay.

“This paper acts as an initial endeavor into understanding what the industry may be motivated by, and how integration of stakeholder motivations could lead to greater adoption,” says lead author Juliana Berglund-Brown, PhD student in the Department of Architecture at MIT.

Considering stakeholders’ perceptions

Three different stakeholder groups from North America, Europe, and Asia — material suppliers, design and construction teams, and real estate developers — were surveyed by the research team that also comprises Akrisht Pandey ’23; Fabio Duarte, associate director of the MIT Senseable City Lab; Raquel Ganitsky, fellow in the Sustainable Real Estate Development Action Program; Randolph Kirchain, co-director of MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub; and Siqi Zheng, the STL Champion Professor of Urban and Real Estate Sustainability at Department of Urban Studies and Planning.

Despite growing awareness of reuse practice among construction industry stakeholders, circular practices have yet to be implemented at scale — attributable to many factors that influence the intersection of construction needs with government regulations and the economic interests of real estate developers.

The study notes that perceived barriers to circular adoption differ based on industry role, with lack of both client interest and standardized structural assessment methods identified as the primary concern of design and construction teams, while the largest deterrents for material suppliers are logistics complexity, and supply uncertainty. Real estate developers, on the other hand, are chiefly concerned with higher costs and structural assessment. 

Yet encouragingly, respondents expressed willingness to absorb higher costs, with developers indicating readiness to pay an average of 9.6 percent higher construction costs for a minimum 52.9 percent reduction in embodied carbon — and all stakeholders highly favor the potential of incentives like tax exemptions to aid with cost premiums.

Next steps to encourage circularity

The findings highlight the need for further conversation between design teams and developers, as well as for additional exploration into potential solutions to practical challenges. “The thing about circularity is that there is opportunity for a lot of value creation, and subsequently profit,” says Berglund-Brown. “If people are motivated by cost, let’s provide a cost incentive, or establish strategies that have one.”

When it comes to motivating reasons to adopt circularity practices, the study also found trends emerging by industry role. Future net-zero goals influence developers as well as design and construction teams, with government regulation the third-most frequently named reason across all respondent types.

“The construction industry needs a market driver to embrace circularity,” says Berglund-Brown, “Be it carrots or sticks, stakeholders require incentives for adoption.”

The effect of policy to motivate change cannot be understated, with major strides being made in low operational carbon building design after policy restricting emissions was introduced, such as Local Law 97 in New York City and the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance in Boston. These pieces of policy, and their results, can serve as models for embodied carbon reduction policy elsewhere.

Berglund-Brown suggests that municipalities might initiate ordinances requiring buildings to be deconstructed, which would allow components to be reused, curbing demolition methods that result in waste rather than salvage. Top-down ordinances could be one way to trigger a supply chain shift toward reprocessing building materials that are typically deemed “end-of-life.”

The study also identifies other challenges to the implementation of circularity at scale, including risk associated with how to reuse materials in new buildings, and disrupting status quo design practices.

“Understanding the best way to motivate transition despite uncertainty is where our work comes in,” says Berglund-Brown. “Beyond that, researchers can continue to do a lot to alleviate risk — like developing standards for reuse.”

Innovations that challenge the status quo

Disrupting the status quo is not unusual for MIT researchers; other visionary work in construction circularity pioneered at MIT includes “a smart kit of parts” called Pixelframe. This system for modular concrete reuse allows building elements to be disassembled and rebuilt several times, aiding deconstruction and reuse while maintaining material efficiency and versatility.

Developed by MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium Associate Director Caitlin Mueller’s research team, Pixelframe is designed to accommodate a wide range of applications from housing to warehouses, with each piece of interlocking precast concrete modules, called Pixels, assigned a material passport to enable tracking through its many life cycles.

Mueller’s work demonstrates that circularity can work technically and logistically at the scale of the built environment — by designing specifically for disassembly, configuration, versatility, and upfront carbon and cost efficiency.

“This can be built today. This is building code-compliant today,” said Mueller of Pixelframe in a keynote speech at the recent MCSC Annual Symposium, which saw industry representatives and members of the MIT community coming together to discuss scalable solutions to climate and sustainability problems. “We currently have the potential for high-impact carbon reduction as a compelling alternative to the business-as-usual construction methods we are used to.”

Pixelframe was recently awarded a grant by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) to pursue commercialization, an important next step toward integrating innovations like this into a circular economy in practice. “It’s MassCEC’s job to make sure that these climate leaders have the resources they need to turn their technologies into successful businesses that make a difference around the world,” said MassCEC CEO Emily Reichart, in a press release.

Additional support for circular innovation has emerged thanks to a historic piece of climate legislation from the Biden administration. The Environmental Protection Agency recently awarded a federal grant on the topic of advancing steel reuse to Berglund-Brown — whose PhD thesis focuses on scaling the reuse of structural heavy-section steel — and John Ochsendorf, the Class of 1942 Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture at MIT.

“There is a lot of exciting upcoming work on this topic,” says Berglund-Brown. “To any practitioners reading this who are interested in getting involved — please reach out.”

The study is supported in part by the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium.

Noninvasive imaging method can penetrate deeper into living tissue

Metabolic imaging is a noninvasive method that enables clinicians and scientists to study living cells using laser light, which can help them assess disease progression and treatment responses.

But light scatters when it shines into biological tissue, limiting how deep it can penetrate and hampering the resolution of captured images.

Now, MIT researchers have developed a new technique that more than doubles the usual depth limit of metabolic imaging. Their method also boosts imaging speeds, yielding richer and more detailed images.

This new technique does not require tissue to be preprocessed, such as by cutting it or staining it with dyes. Instead, a specialized laser illuminates deep into the tissue, causing certain intrinsic molecules within the cells and tissues to emit light. This eliminates the need to alter the tissue, providing a more natural and accurate representation of its structure and function.

The researchers achieved this by adaptively customizing the laser light for deep tissues. Using a recently developed fiber shaper — a device they control by bending it — they can tune the color and pulses of light to minimize scattering and maximize the signal as the light travels deeper into the tissue. This allows them to see much further into living tissue and capture clearer images.

Animation shows a spinning, web-like object with a white wall bisecting it. One side is blurrier than the other.
This animation shows deep metabolic imaging of living intact 3D multicellular systems, which were grown in the Roger Kamm lab at MIT. The clearer side is the result of the researchers’ new imaging method, in combination with their previous work on physics-based deblurring.

Credit: Courtesy of the researchers

Greater penetration depth, faster speeds, and higher resolution make this method particularly well-suited for demanding imaging applications like cancer research, tissue engineering, drug discovery, and the study of immune responses.

“This work shows a significant improvement in terms of depth penetration for label-free metabolic imaging. It opens new avenues for studying and exploring metabolic dynamics deep in living biosystems,” says Sixian You, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), a member of the Research Laboratory for Electronics, and senior author of a paper on this imaging technique.

She is joined on the paper by lead author Kunzan Liu, an EECS graduate student; Tong Qiu, an MIT postdoc; Honghao Cao, an EECS graduate student; Fan Wang, professor of brain and cognitive sciences; Roger Kamm, the Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Biological and Mechanical Engineering; Linda Griffith, the School of Engineering Professor of Teaching Innovation in the Department of Biological Engineering; and other MIT colleagues. The research appears today in Science Advances.


This new method falls in the category of label-free imaging, which means tissue is not stained beforehand. Staining creates contrast that helps a clinical biologist see cell nuclei and proteins better. But staining typically requires the biologist to section and slice the sample, a process that often kills the tissue and makes it impossible to study dynamic processes in living cells.

In label-free imaging techniques, researchers use lasers to illuminate specific molecules within cells, causing them to emit light of different colors that reveal various molecular contents and cellular structures. However, generating the ideal laser light with certain wavelengths and high-quality pulses for deep-tissue imaging has been challenging.

The researchers developed a new approach to overcome this limitation. They use a multimode fiber, a type of optical fiber which can carry a significant amount of power, and couple it with a compact device called a “fiber shaper.” This shaper allows them to precisely modulate the light propagation by adaptively changing the shape of the fiber. Bending the fiber changes the color and intensity of the laser.

Building on prior work, the researchers adapted the first version of the fiber shaper for deeper multimodal metabolic imaging.

“We want to channel all this energy into the colors we need with the pulse properties we require. This gives us higher generation efficiency and a clearer image, even deep within tissues,” says Cao.

Once they had built the controllable mechanism, they developed an imaging platform to leverage the powerful laser source to generate longer wavelengths of light, which are crucial for deeper penetration into biological tissues.

“We believe this technology has the potential to significantly advance biological research. By making it affordable and accessible to biology labs, we hope to empower scientists with a powerful tool for discovery,” Liu says.

Dynamic applications

When the researchers tested their imaging device, the light was able to penetrate more than 700 micrometers into a biological sample, whereas the best prior techniques could only reach about 200 micrometers.

“With this new type of deep imaging, we want to look at biological samples and see something we have never seen before,” Liu adds.

The deep imaging technique enabled them to see cells at multiple levels within a living system, which could help researchers study metabolic changes that happen at different depths. In addition, the faster imaging speed allows them to gather more detailed information on how a cell’s metabolism affects the speed and direction of its movements.

This new imaging method could offer a boost to the study of organoids, which are engineered cells that can grow to mimic the structure and function of organs. Researchers in the Kamm and Griffith labs pioneer the development of brain and endometrial organoids that can grow like organs for disease and treatment assessment.

However, it has been challenging to precisely observe internal developments without cutting or staining the tissue, which kills the sample.

This new imaging technique allows researchers to noninvasively monitor the metabolic states inside a living organoid while it continues to grow.

With these and other biomedical applications in mind, the researchers plan to aim for even higher-resolution images. At the same time, they are working to create low-noise laser sources, which could enable deeper imaging with less light dosage.

They are also developing algorithms that react to the images to reconstruct the full 3D structures of biological samples in high resolution.

In the long run, they hope to apply this technique in the real world to help biologists monitor drug response in real-time to aid in the development of new medicines.

“By enabling multimodal metabolic imaging that reaches deeper into tissues, we’re providing scientists with an unprecedented ability to observe nontransparent biological systems in their natural state. We’re excited to collaborate with clinicians, biologists, and bioengineers to push the boundaries of this technology and turn these insights into real-world medical breakthroughs,” You says.

“This work is exciting because it uses innovative feedback methods to image cell metabolism deeper in tissues compared to current techniques. These technologies also provide fast imaging speeds, which was used to uncover unique metabolic dynamics of immune cell motility within blood vessels. I expect that these imaging tools will be instrumental for discovering links between cell function and metabolism within dynamic living systems,” says Melissa Skala, an investigator at the Morgridge Institute for Research who was not involved with this work.

“Being able to acquire high resolution multi-photon images relying on NAD(P)H autofluorescence contrast faster and deeper into tissues opens the door to the study of a wide range of important problems,” adds Irene Georgakoudi, a professor of biomedical engineering at Tufts University who was also not involved with this work. “Imaging living tissues as fast as possible whenever you assess metabolic function is always a huge advantage in terms of ensuring the physiological relevance of the data, sampling a meaningful tissue volume, or monitoring fast changes. For applications in cancer diagnosis or in neuroscience, imaging deeper — and faster — enables us to consider a richer set of problems and interactions that haven’t been studied in living tissues before.”

This research is funded, in part, by MIT startup funds, a U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER Award, an MIT Irwin Jacobs and Joan Klein Presidential Fellowship, and an MIT Kailath Fellowship.

20+ Seasonal Lightroom Presets & LUTs for Photographers – Speckyboy

Photography helps us remember the colors and aesthetics accompanying winter, spring, summer, and autumn. These images remind us of each season’s unique look and feel.

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Check out the options below and download your favorites. You’ll have everything you need to achieve professional looks all year round. Whether it’s a winter holiday or a day at the beach, you’ll find the preset you need below.

Winter Lightroom Presets & LUTS

The winter season brings us colder temperatures and cool colors. Various hues of blue and white are staples. But we can’t forget about the red and green of the holiday season as well. The presets and LUTs below will help you celebrate indoor and outdoor scenes.

Spring Lightroom Presets & LUTS

Spring is a time of nature’s rebirth. Think of baby animals, blooming flowers, and the return of lush greens. Use the presets and LUTs in this category to add vibrance to your photos. They’ll help you capture the beauty in style.

Summer Lightroom Presets & LUTS

The heat of summer shines through in photography. You’ll find bright oranges, deep reds, and intense yellows in the landscape. The options below help you enhance them while adding personality to your photos. Perfect for memories of lazy days and outdoor fun.

Autumn Lightroom Presets & LUTS

The colors of autumn make it a wonderful season for photographers. Bright foliage covers the landscape – and don’t forget about the pumpkins! You’ll find plenty of resources below to help you boost the fall feeling in your photos. Add a little spice and cozy up to these fantastic presets and LUTs.

Capture the Colors of Every Season

The great thing about seasonal photography is that there is always something interesting to capture. As seasons change, so do the landscapes. People also adapt to the changes with different activities and celebrations.

Our collection of Lightroom presets and LUTs will help you make the most of each season’s images. They offer powerful default settings but also allow you to adjust as needed. That way, you’ll have a clear path to achieving the perfect look.

We hope you found the options here useful. Experiment with them and discover seasonable effects that will make your photos stand out!

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Transforming fusion from a scientific curiosity into a powerful clean energy source

If you’re looking for hard problems, building a nuclear fusion power plant is a pretty good place to start. Fusion — the process that powers the sun — has proven to be a difficult thing to recreate here on Earth despite decades of research.

“There’s something very attractive to me about the magnitude of the fusion challenge,” Hartwig says. “It’s probably true of a lot of people at MIT. I’m driven to work on very hard problems. There’s something intrinsically satisfying about that battle. It’s part of the reason I’ve stayed in this field. We have to cross multiple frontiers of physics and engineering if we’re going to get fusion to work.”

The problem got harder when, in Hartwig’s last year in graduate school, the Department of Energy announced plans to terminate funding for the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, a major fusion experiment in MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center that Hartwig needed to do to graduate. Hartwig was able to finish his PhD, and the scare didn’t dissuade him from the field. In fact, he took an associate professor position at MIT in 2017 to keep working on fusion.

“It was a pretty bleak time to take a faculty position in fusion energy, but I am a person who loves to find a vacuum,” says Hartwig, who is a newly tenured associate professor at MIT. “I adore a vacuum because there’s enormous opportunity in chaos.”

Hartwig did have one very good reason for hope. In 2012, he had taken a class taught by Professor Dennis Whyte that challenged students to design and assess the economics of a nuclear fusion power plant that incorporated a new kind of high-temperature superconducting magnet. Hartwig says the magnets enable fusion reactors to be much smaller, cheaper, and faster.

Whyte, Hartwig, and a few other members of the class started working nights and weekends to prove the reactors were feasible. In 2017, the group founded Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) to build the world’s first commercial-scale fusion power plants.

Over the next four years, Hartwig led a research project at MIT with CFS that further developed the magnet technology and scaled it to create a 20-Tesla superconducting magnet — a suitable size for a nuclear fusion power plant.

The magnet and subsequent tests of its performance represented a turning point for the industry. Commonwealth Fusion Systems has since attracted more than $2 billion in investments to build its first reactors, while the fusion industry overall has exceeded $8 billion in private investment.

The old joke in fusion is that the technology is always 30 years away. But fewer people are laughing these days.

“The perspective in 2024 looks quite a bit different than it did in 2016, and a huge part of that is tied to the institutional capability of a place like MIT and the willingness of people here to accomplish big things,” Hartwig says.

A path to the stars

As a child growing up in St. Louis, Hartwig was interested in sports and playing outside with friends but had little interest in physics. When he went to Boston University as an undergraduate, he studied biomedical engineering simply because his older brother had done it, so he thought he could get a job. But as he was introduced to tools for structural experiments and analysis, he found himself more interested in how the tools worked than what they could do.

“That led me to physics, and physics ended up leading me to nuclear science, where I’m basically still doing applied physics,” Hartwig explains.

Joining the field late in his undergraduate studies, Hartwig worked hard to get his physics degree on time. After graduation, he was burnt out, so he took two years off and raced his bicycle competitively while working in a bike shop.

“There’s so much pressure on people in science and engineering to go straight through,” Hartwig says. “People say if you take time off, you won’t be able to get into graduate school, you won’t be able to get recommendation letters. I always tell my students, ‘It depends on the person.’ Everybody’s different, but it was a great period for me, and it really set me up to enter graduate school with a more mature mindset and to be more focused.”

Hartwig returned to academia as a PhD student in MIT’s Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering in 2007. When his thesis advisor, Dennis Whyte, announced a course focused on designing nuclear fusion power plants, it caught Hartwig’s eye. The final projects showed a surprisingly promising path forward for a fusion field that had been stagnant for decades. The rest was history.

“We started CFS with the idea that it would partner deeply with MIT and MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center to leverage the infrastructure, expertise, people, and capabilities that we have MIT,” Hartwig says. “We had to start the company with the idea that it would be deeply partnered with MIT in an innovative way that hadn’t really been done before.”

Guided by impact

Hartwig says the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and the Plasma Science and Fusion Center in particular, have seen a huge influx in graduate student applications in recent years.

“There’s so much demand, because people are excited again about the possibilities,” Hartwig says. “Instead of having fusion and a machine built in one or two generations, we’ll hopefully be learning how these things work in under a decade.”

Hartwig’s research group is still testing CFS’ new magnets, but it is also partnering with other fusion companies in an effort to advance the field more broadly.

Overall, when Hartwig looks back at his career, the thing he is most proud of is switching specialties every six years or so, from building equipment for his PhD to conducting fundamental experiments to designing reactors to building magnets.

“It’s not that traditional in academia,” Hartwig says. “Where I’ve found success is coming into something new, bringing a naivety but also realism to a new field, and offering a different toolkit, a different approach, or a different idea about what can be done.”

Now Hartwig is onto his next act, developing new ways to study materials for use in fusion and fission reactors.

“I’m already interested in moving on to the next thing; the next field where I’m not a trained expert,” Hartwig says. “It’s about identifying where there’s stagnation in fusion and in technology, where innovation is not happening where we desperately need it, and bringing new ideas to that.”