YouTube Tips and NewBlue Titler Pro

YouTube Tips and NewBlue Titler Pro

Why Most YouTubers FAIL (but You can Succeed)

Last year I was roped in to edit together some simple YouTube videos for my wife and some of her friends.

My wife started the trend and because she has a husband that can edit of course I got the job!

Then her friends followed and pretty soon it was all I was doing.

Cut to today and my wife is the only one still producing content and making progress every day.

What happened to the others pretty much sets the scene for most people when it comes to content creation on YouTube.

There is an old saying, “If it was easy then everyone would be doing it!”

Well I think for YouTube we have to adjust that one because let’s face it, it is easy and everyone is doing it!

Perhaps this, “If it was easy to do professionally and consistently for an extended amount of time then everyone would be doing it!”

How to Create a Custom Inflow Chart with New Blue Titler Pro

OK so there is a lot to digest here so stick with me, I’m going somewhere with this!

The actual project being demonstrated here is kind of specialized and in all reality not something a lot of people are going to be doing.

So the very first point to keep in mind here is that the importance lies in the techniques being used and NOT in the actual thing being produced.

Next it provides a great example of using different programs that specialize in their own field to get the best results you can.

In this case advanced image editing software along with titling software and finally video software.

And the final point to note is that NewBlue Titler Pro comes with VideoStudio and can handle PSD files.

Quite often you may be searching for assets on the web and find PSD files but have no way of dealing with them.

NewBlue Titler Pro can do it for you.

How to Talk to Camera With No Fear – 5 Tips to be Confident on Camera

In reality most people find overcoming the technical aspects of creating video content kind of easy.

That’s not to say there are no tears before bedtime on the subject but for the majority it is not a wildly emotional endeavor.

However, when it comes to appearing on camera or worse still… directly in front of the camera… it all goes to hell in a handbasket pretty quick!

Here are 5 tips to work on to get you over the problem.

Filmora Q&A – Censor Effects, Resolution Tips, Text Edits and More!

This is the (approximately) monthly Q&A session from the guys at Filmora covering common problems users have submitted for advice.

Generally speaking the questions are about Filmora but quite often they cover shooting and editing video in a broader sense.

Filmora 11: How to Remove the Image Zoom Effect

Not sure why this setting has been set up the way it is in the latest versions of Filmora 11.

I guess those little code monkeys just can’t leave well enough alone.

So, the other day I added an image to the timeline and the image was clearly larger than the 1080p frame of the project I was working on.

Previously this was not a problem with the image usually being re-sized automatically to fit the frame.

However this time some kind of zoom effect was added without me wanting to do that!

Eventually I found in the Preferences a setting that dictates what Filmora should do when faced with an image larger than the frame size of the project.

What it used to do as the default was just fit the image to the timeline.

For some mindless reason Filmora changed the default action to Crop and Zoom hence the uncalled for zooming.

To get a clear idea of the problem and the solution just watch the video below.

PowerDirector – Using the Video Intro Designer – Part 3

This is the third video in the series on the new Intro Designer that CyberLink introduced to PowerDirector 365 users this month.

Essentially it isolates the activity of creating re-usable Intro sequences that you can use on other projects over and over.

The advantages to this are that the action is isolated in a clutter free environment and the available tools are focused on that activity.

What’s New & FAQ – PowerDirector 365/App Aug. 2022 Updates!

This is just a quick update covering the changes and additions to PowerDirector 365 in the latest update.

It also covers a few Q&A’s on the program as well.

How to Mix and Master Vocals in Audacity

Another quick “down and dirty” Audacity tips video from Mike Russell this week.

Although the video concentrates on mixing some vocals against a music track take note of how he deals with the vocal track unto itself.

The addition of EQ as well as clever use of compression really makes the difference.

5 Basics Every Video Must Have to be Watchable on YouTube

There are many, many things you need to do these days when it comes creating a successful YouTube Channel.

Some are hard, some are easy.

The bottom line is that if it is at all possible for you to do one of those things then it is vital that you do it. Kevin speaks the truth.

Updated – StreamYard Tutorial: How to Live Stream Like a Pro.

Over the past few years there has been quite an obvious necessity for a great many people to utilize streaming as part of their working life or content creation.

There are a few very good alternatives to do this of which StreamYard is just one.

The good news is that this increase in usage has driven some pretty remarkable development of the platform.

It is pretty safe to say that todays StreamYard is most definitely not the same as it was two years ago.

The bad news is that there are a lot of things that have changed, been added or moved in order to make the platform better.

So that means if you use StreamYard you would probably benefit from a thorough run through if things as they stand to day.

Check the video below.

3 Insanely Easy Motion Graphics in Fusion – DaVinci Resolve 18

OK, I have checked this out and to describe this as “insanely easy” is a bit of a stretch!

I am not sure that there is anything in DaVinci Resolve that could be described as insanely easy.

Don’t get me wrong here, it is insanely powerful even at the free level but not easy!