What Other Country Could Provide Abrams Tanks to Ukraine? – Technology Org

Ukraine already has some Abrams tanks from the US. But the defenders of Ukraine would like to have more of these machines. The Abrams is one of the most capable main battle tanks in the world and Ukraine still has a major armour disadvantage in this ongoing Russian invasion. But what country could help Ukraine with at least a handful more Abrams tanks?

What Other Country Could Provide Abrams Tanks to Ukraine? – Technology Org

M1A1 Abrams in Australian service. Image credit: Sgt. James Gulliver via Wikimedia

Ukrainian politicians have sent a request to the Australian government for further military assistance. Ukraine wants Australia to transfer Abrams tanks and MRH-90 Taipan helicopters. Ukraine may not get the latter, because Australia wrote them off some time ago and started dismantling them for parts. However, the Abrams from Australia is a more interesting request. Ukraine does need more armoured combat vehicles and Abrams is a highly capable machine.

To date, 31 Abrams tanks have been delivered to Ukraine from the United States. There is no doubt that the US will deliver more of these machines in the future. Ukraine received M1A1 version tanks, but is also waiting for M1A2 Abrams.

Originally, the US pledged to deliver M1A2 Abrams to Ukraine, but switched to older M1A1, which previously served with the Marine Corps, because they were available sooner. If the US politicians will come to an agreement about funding the military aid for Ukraine, newer M1A2 Abrams may be on the menu.

In the meantime, Australia has 59 M1A1 tanks with Situational Awareness packages. They have better thermal imagers, better sights, and slightly reinforced armour. Australia itself is transitioning to M1A2 Abrams, so those older M1A1s could be potentially transferred to Ukraine.

Since the Abrams tank is made in the US, the US would have to give a blessing to such military aid and would probably have to help in the transfer process. These are very heavy tanks, Australia is far away and the Abrams likes to be spoiled with high-quality parts and maintenance.

Prospects for the MRH-90 Taipan helicopters to go to Ukraine are much slimmer. While there are those who are calling for Australia to provide Ukraine with these decommissioned aircraft, they have already begun to be scrapped. Australia was simply not happy with the reliability, quality and the operating costs of these helicopters.

A few veterans of the Australian Air Force have volunteered to fix up at least a few of these helicopters, but it may just be an irrational effort. Better and safer helicopters are available elsewhere and Ukraine itself needs good reliable tools, not some salvaged scrapyard treasure.

Ukraine would also like the Australian F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets, but the acquisition of these fighters would take time, so it is definitely not in the immediate plans. Meanwhile, the Abrams tanks from Australia could certainly travel to Ukraine quite soon, if only such a decision was made and Australia could do that without compromising its own security.

Source: Tech.wp.pl