The Friday Roundup – Filmora Updates & PowerDirector Tips

What is new in Filmora 13

Wondershare have released the new version of Filmora 13 into the wild this week with a bunch of new features.

In this version there are a few more A.I. driven tools plus a couple of other upgrades.

Some of the A.I features are not really contained within the software itself but are gateways to other online A.I. services such as Chat GPT making it just a little more convenient to access them from within the program while you are working.

Others like the vocal removal tool are more like built-in features.

I haven’t really had a chance to check it all out yet but will update my review this week. In the meantime here’s Jacky with a run-through of all the new stuff.

PowerDirector – Tips on Working in the Storyboard View

One of the least often used features of nearly all video editing software is the Storyboard view in the editing process.

Just about every video editing program I know of has this as a feature and it is there for a very good reason.

In fact it is one of the best tools I know of for speeding up the editing process as a whole.

You will see many videos online offering tips for speeding up editing and just about all of them emphasize the need to organize your assets before you start working.

That means not just arranging them in folders and subfolders that make sense but showing clearly what they contain.

The same goes for re-naming your files to something that also makes sense as well.

If you do that then the storyboard view really comes into its own.

Most people organize, add to the library then pull it all on to the timeline and begin the first rough edit.

The problem here is that it is linear and doesn’t really give you that 60 foot overview you need.

Inevitably you start to scrub back and forth through the timeline finding things you have misplaced.

If you add a step of adding first to the storyboard view then making sure everything is there you can really save some time.

PowerDirector – Tips on Using Pan and Zoom

With the recent update of PowerDirector to the 2024 editing there was a complete (and overdue!) overhaul of the user interface.

This certainly caused some angst amongst existing users due to them being accustomed to the old layout but in reality it was a great improvement.

PowerDirector up until that point had been tacking on more and more features and modules for nearly five years and it was all getting a bit busy!

None of the old features were discarded with that update but many of them moved to different locations.

For new users this is no problem because they don’t know where anything is but for old users it has been a game of “find the feature!”

In the video below you can see how to access and control the Crop and Zoom feature in the new interface.

Is Your YouTube Channel Prepared for the Next Cyber Attack?

Right from the outset here let’s all agree that security online is not exactly the most interesting topic for discussion.

These days things like Two Factor Authentication tend to give us all a sense of security that perhaps it may not.

I think it is vitally important for everyone who has some kind of online presence to watch this video and more importantly take action.

How To Blur Video Background In Capcut Pc

This is a quick video demonstrated in Capcut of how to blur the background of any video.

To do this easily in any video editing software you need two basic tools.

The first is masking and the second is motion tracking.

In combination you need to be able to mask the subject then track that mask as the subject moves within the video.

You could do it manually by using keyframes and just stepping through the footage while repositioning the mask however on a longer project this would really take some time.

20 Tips & Tricks to get the Cinematic Look

OK so first up this is a very thinly veiled promotion of a new lighting product these guys are pushing so there’s that.

However at the end of the day there are some great tips here for easily manipulating the final image you get in your videos by changing, adjusting and repositioning your light sources.

Magic Studio in Canva – 3 Mind-blowing Features

One tool that I regularly use in my video projects is Canva.

Probably the main reason for this is that I have never really learned Photoshop or any similar image editing software.

In reality I don’t have enough of a need to do that so I have always tended to use quick and dirty photo editing.

Well that was until I ran across Canva which gives me the level of control I need without being overly complicated to use.

Recently they have been adding features based on A.I. models and you can see some of them in the video below and why I have been using it.

Ghost Effects in Fusion – DaVinci Resolve VFX Tutorial

In the interests of keeping things simple in what is an otherwise complicated interface, Casey Faris has been creating Fusion tutorials in that space.

These have been great for learning how to navigate Fusion and get know its properties.

However due to that simplicity the results he shows aren’t really indicative of what that module can actually do.

That’s why this week’s tutorial is such a good one.

Every video editing app on the market can to some degree mimic what Casey shows in the video below.

However doing it in Fusion adds a level of professionalism to the end product that no consumer level program can match.

How to Make Instagram Reels Like a PRO in 2023

This is another handy “Complete guide” from the people at Primal Video this time covering Instagram.

These guides are well worth watching because they are all done by people who are successful on the platform being dealt with.