Software developers have a supply chain security problem

Log4j was the bucket of cold water that woke up most developers to their software supply chain security problem. We’ve spent decades in software building things and obsessing over our production environment. But we’re building on unpatched Jenkins boxes sitting under someone’s desk. We spend all this…

What is Visual Studio Code? Microsoft’s extensible code editor

Visual Studio Code is a free, lightweight but powerful source code editor that runs on your desktop and on the web and is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi OS. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js and has a rich…

How to deploy with Vercel and MongoDB Atlas without even trying

One of the most interesting MongoDB World 2022 announcements is the release of Vercel-MongoDB integration. What we are seeing here is the gradual simplification and standardization of integrating large infrastructure components. You are able to capitalize on a great deal of power in your data store…

What is Flutter? Mobile app development for Android, iOS, and more

There was a time when you had to choose between creating universal mobile apps and native apps. Universal apps used web technologies like HTML and JavaScript, which often performed badly in mobile devices. Native apps performed better because they were written separately for each platform you…