I have been working in the recruitment business for 25 years – and the talent shortages we are seeing now are the worst I’ve ever known. Many of the digital…
A Computer Weekly buyer’s guide to supply chain security
Thank you for joining! Access your Pro+ Content below. July 2022 A Computer Weekly buyer’s guide to supply chain security Organisations are increasingly taking the initiative when it comes to…
IT career roadmap: Director of engineering
A director of engineering oversees and guides an organization’s engineering department, including ensuring that engineering goals line up with the organization’s mission and priorities. In many cases, these executives are involved in administrative, financial, and human resource functions within the department.
[ Also on InfoWorld: How to…
Tracking the rise of homeworking across the UK
Thank you for joining! Access your Pro+ Content below. 19 July 2022 Tracking the rise of homeworking across the UK Share this item with your network: In this week’s Computer…
Dutch multinational hires HCL for digital transformation
Science-based multinational DSM is moving to a single supplier for its digital transformation, with India’s HCL and its digital execution framework chosen to take the project forward. The Netherlands-headquartered company, focused…
What is Google JAX? NumPy on accelerators
Among the innovations that power the popular open source TensorFlow machine learning platform are automatic differentiation (Autograd) and the XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) optimizing compiler for deep learning.To read this article in full, please click here…
Videogame maker Bandai Namco confirms cyber attack
After days of fevered speculation, Bandai Namco, the Japan-based developer of videogames including Pac-Man, Dark Souls, Soulcaliber and Tekken, has confirmed a cyber attack against its systems did take place,…
How to work with a priority queue in .NET 6
A queue is a data structure that works on a first in, first out (FIFO) basis. Items are inserted at the rear of the queue and removed from the front. The term “enqueue” denotes the operation that inserts data in the queue, while the term “dequeue”…
Bloomberg CTO interview: Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast
In the last 19 years, Shawn Edwards, CTO at Bloomberg, has seen the industry change radically. When asked about the biggest change that has impacted businesses, Edwards says: “When I…
Intro to Pure CSS: Minimal, modular CSS layouts
If you’ve been working with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for a while, you’ve likely noticed the trend toward simpler CSS frameworks that get the job done. This article introduces one of the stronger examples. Pure CSS is a modular, responsive framework that puts its own spin on…