Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was inaugurated on 25th December 2000 for rural India in order to achieve better connectivity and transportation in the unconnected villages or habitats of India. The honorable Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee launched the scheme under the Government of India. The responsibility for the implementation of the PMGSY is of The Ministry of Rural Development along with State governments.
The scheme aimed at building roads for connecting remote areas as well as the improvement of the existing bad-quality of roads. Panchayati Raj Institutions are responsible for the maintenance of the roads developed under this scheme.
Rural areas having a population of 500 and above in plain areas and a population of 250 and above in the hill States comprising desert States, tribal areas, etc. are eligible for this scheme. The third phase of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is going on.
Phases of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana:
- Phase 1
It was started in December 2000 and the scheme was 100% sponsored by the Centre. Around 1,35,436 habitations were focused upon for delivering road connectivity. There was also 3.68 lakh km of the up-gradation done of existing roads in the rural areas as to connect the farm to the market. - Phase 2
It was started in December 2013 in order to upgrade and improve the efficiency of the 50,000 km of the existing rural road network. The cost of the scheme was shared between the Centre and the States. - Phase 3
It was approved in July 2019 and gave importance to the Gramin Agricultural Markers, Higher Secondary Schools, and Hospitals. The scheme was in effect from 2019-20 and will continue again from 2024-25.
Significance of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana:
- Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is helping in road connectivity of rural areas due to which people are getting more employment opportunities and better social and economic services through roads. People now can benefit more from the government welfare schemes as well. Apart from it, it is also helping in poverty alleviation.
- There is faster delivery of perishable items from one place to another which results in less wastage of food and crops.
- Moreover, health workers, teachers, agriculture laborers, etc. can now easily travel from one place to another which helps in providing valuable services to the people who live in remote areas.
Challenges faced by the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana:
- There is a lack of funds and additional funds are needed for the implementation of the scheme.
- There is limited involvement of Panchayati Raj institutions. They did not participate in a big way.
- There is a shortage of construction materials.
- In the hilly areas, the problem is faced due to the difficult training and less working season.
- The capacity for the execution and contracting of the scheme is inadequate.
- In the Left Wing Extremism areas, there are problem-related to security concerns.
Progress of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana:

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
- Even after so many obstacles, the scheme came out with satisfactory results. All-weather road connectivity has been provided to around 99% of the targeted habitations in the PMGSY and since the starting up of the scheme till 15th March 2022, nearly 7 lakh km road length has been completed.
- Out of 1,57,377 habitations that were sanctioned in the 250+ population category, around 1,55,719 habitations have been provided connectivity in various States/UT by 10th March 2022. Under PMGSY-I, out of the 6,45,605 km of road length that was sanctioned, around 6,13,030 road length has been completed by 10th March 2022.
Related Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions:
Q1. What is the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana?
Answer– Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was inaugurated on 25th December 2000 for rural India in order to achieve better connectivity and transportation in the unconnected villages or habitats of India. The scheme aimed at building roads for connecting remote areas as well as the improvement of the existing bad-quality of roads. Panchayati Raj Institutions are responsible for the maintenance of the roads developed under this scheme.
Rural areas having a population of 500 and above in plain areas and a population of 250 and above in the hill States comprising desert States, tribal areas, etc. are eligible for this scheme. The third phase of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is going on.
Q2. Mention the phases of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana.
Answer- The following are the phases of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana-
- Phase 1
It was started in December 2000 and the scheme was 100% sponsored by the Centre. Around 1,35,436 habitations were focused upon for delivering road connectivity. There was also 3.68 lakh km of the up-gradation of existing roads in the rural areas to connect the farm to the market. - Phase 2
It was started in December 2013 in order to upgrade and improve the efficiency of the 50,000 km of the existing rural road network. The cost of the scheme was shared between the Centre and the States. - Phase 3
It was approved in July 2019 and gave importance to the Gramin Agricultural Markers, Higher Secondary Schools, and Hospitals. The scheme was in effect from 2019-20 and will continue again from 2024-25.
Q3. What is the significance of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana?
Answer- The significance of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is as follows-
- Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is helping in road connectivity of rural areas due to which people are getting more employment opportunities and better social and economic services through roads. People now can benefit more from the government welfare schemes as well. Apart from it, it is also helping in poverty alleviation.
- There is faster delivery of perishable items from one place to another which results in less wastage of food and crops.
- Moreover, health workers, teachers, agriculture laborers, etc. can now easily travel from one place to another which helps in providing valuable services to the people who live in remote areas.
Q4. Mention the challenges faced by the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana.
Answer– The challenges faced by the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana are as follows-
- More funds are needed for the implementation of the scheme. There is a lack of funds.
- Panchayati Raj institutions did not participate in a big way. There is limited involvement in it.
- There is a shortage of construction materials.
- In the hilly areas, the problem is faced due to the difficult training and less working season.
- The capacity for the execution and contracting of the scheme is inadequate.
- In the Left Wing Extremism areas, there are problem-related with security concerns.
Q5. State the progress of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana.
Answer– Even after so many obstacles, the scheme came out with satisfactory results. All-weather road connectivity has been provided to around 99% of the targeted habitations in the PMGSY and since the starting up of the scheme till 15th March 2022, nearly 7 lakh km road length has been completed.
Out of 1,57,377 habitations that were sanctioned in the 250+ population category, around 1,55,719 habitations have been provided connectivity in various States/UT by 10th March 2022. Under PMGSY-I, out of the 6,45,605 km of road length that was sanctioned, around 6,13,030 road length has been completed by 10th March 2022.