New Biodegradable Polymers Traceable Without Toxic Contrast Agents – Technology Org

Polyphosphoesters, molecules containing phosphorus as central element, are easily traceable without the need for contrast agents, thanks to developments by researchers at the University of Twente. Normally, these molecules display a similar molecular composition to our DNA, leading to considerable ‘noise’ in the image.

The UT researchers provided a solution and developed unique polymers which are traceable with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Dr. Olga Koshkina, Project Leader in the Sustainable Polymer Chemistry Group, published about this new concept of traceable polymers in the renowned journal Nature Communications.

New Biodegradable Polymers Traceable Without Toxic Contrast Agents – Technology Org

Laboratory – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)

The researchers adjusted the properties of polyphosphoesters (special polymers with a molecular structure inspired by DNA and RNA). As a result, the polymers acquired a different “MRI colour,” making them more distinguishable from the natural background. Additionally, they exhibit other physical MRI characteristics suitable for imaging.

For certain biomedical applications, polymers need to be traced within the body, a task typically accomplished through MRI. However, to effectively image body parts by MRI, toxic contrast agents are often required