Forced Perspective and Copyright Claims

Forced Perspective and Copyright Claims

Editing 5 Creative Perspective Tricks

Forced perspective is the technique of shooting things in a way that makes them look a certain way then are revealed to be completely different to what you originally thought.

It’s a great technique to learn and use and can be done easily as long as you have a few basic things.

You need a tripod or at least some way of shooting so that the camera can be fixed in one place with no movement.

You need editing software that can handle masks, green screen and possibly blends modes. Once you have all that all you need is imagination.

How to Remove Copyright Claims on YouTube Videos

If you have spent any time as a creator on YouTube it is more than likely that you have had to deal with some kind of copyright problem.

If you are not actually using copyrighted elements to your videos especially when it comes to music then theoretically there should be no problem right? Wrong!

The trouble here is that with the sheer number of videos being uploaded each day there is no way YouTube humans can keep up with it all.

From YouTube’s point of view they are in constant danger from claims by copyright holders for illegally using their content.

Remember, if they don’t pull it down fast then they are open to litigation.

So that means they use bots to crawl their platform constantly and if something is “close” to what they think “may” be suspicious then they just dump responsibility for clearing the questionable content on you.

The other problem here is that there are large organizations running their own content scrapers on the site automatically submitting copyright claims as well.

Some of these organizations actually own the copyrights they are protecting and other less desirable ones are just doing it as a scam.

The scam is that they submit a copyright claim and YouTube then directs any income from the video in question to the scammers!

So if you use YouTube it is best to understand the process and how to deal with any copyright claims effectively.

PowerDirector Q&A Recap! November 16, 2022

This is an edited version of a much longer Q&A session Maliek from PowerDirector University hosted a few days ago.

The original livestream went for quite some time as they tend to do! So mercifully Maliek had cut that on down to the more important bits.

PowerDirector – Using Pan and Zoom in the Action Camera Center

Some time ago with the advent of decent quality action cams like the GoPro CyberLink went all in and introduced a separate module within PowerDirector to deal with this footage.

There are a few common qualities that are present when it comes to action cam footage as well as some common stylistic choices for these projects.

As such while you can certainly edit your action cam footage in the regular editing section of PowerDirector, there are some benefits to using the Action Cam Center.

Better To Film in Public – Filmora Outside Filming Episode 2

This is the second in a series by the guys at Wondershare who make Filmora the video editing program.

In this series they are covering shooting rather than editing.

In the first video they gave some great tips for shooting outdoors especially in very bright sunlight.

In this one they are covering shooting in crowded places focusing on how to get good shots, clean audio and dealing with various light sources.

Filmora 12 Beta Walkthrough

The people at Wondershare are gearing up for the next major release of Filmora which will take us to version 12.

You can see some of the new features on the video below and thankfully they seem to be sticking to their original selling point of keeping the software simple.

By that I don’t mean that it is underpowered or lacks features.

Adding features is something that all editing software makers do because both market and marketing demands make it necessary.

However the way in which those additions are made is the important point.

It is very easy to end up with a wildly complicated and visually daunting user interface unless you add those features in a way that keeps things clean yet still accessible.

From the look of it, everything looks pretty cool from an existing user viewpoint and approachable for the newbies.

5 Creative Editing Techniques for Your Video

It is that time of year again where most of the video editing software companies are releasing either major new version or at least significant upgrades.

They do this for two reasons the most important being that it is sale time of year and we are heading into Christmas so the marketing department needs something to… well… market!

In light of that here is Movavi’s latest efforts.

However in all fairness both of the videos below also contain some excellent editing and shooting tips on top of the shameless marketing!

More techniques

How To Make A YouTube Video Without Any Skills At All!

This is a pretty straightforward way to make a simple style of video with a minimum of effort.

Rather than spending time to create a long montage of images it uses an online service to do that part then it is just a quick process in VideoStudio and you are done.

Not particularly technical… but that’s the point!