Close-up Shots in Film — Ultimate Guide to Lighting, Framing and Editing Close-ups
In all reality the video below is probably a little beyond the scope of your average amateur video maker.
However the bottom line is that a close up shot done correctly and for the right reasons can create an incredibly powerful effect.
On the other hand, if done badly and for the wrong reasons it can also create an incredibly powerful effect… just not in a good way!
15 Editing Techniques
The video below leads to a collection page (link below) of a bunch of videos covering many of the basic editing actions editors use.
It addresses the reasons why a particular technique is or is not used as well as examples of each.
Corel VideoStudio Ultimate 2022: Everything You Need to Know
This is a great “round up” video from Gripps this week as usual covering Corel VideoStudio.
The difference with this one is that it is a whole bunch of his tutorial videos pulled together into one.
The reason for that is that the video operates as a complete start to finish introduction to the program as well as a full walkthrough on using all the features.
If you are an existing user of VideoStudio this is well worth watching to make sure you are getting the most out of the software.
If you are new then this is a great way to get started.
Quickly Turn Any Video Into a Paper Rip Effect Wondershare Filmora Tutorial
Once you go beyond the usual transitions of cuts, fades etc. easily the best ones are the ones you create yourself that are specific to your project.
Sure you can go with preset transitions that come with your software but the reality is that nothing makes you look more amateur than a cheesy pre-packaged transition!
The best strategy is not just to copy other ones you have seen but to really learn how to create your own.
So having said that don’t focus too much on the result of the video below.
Instead focus on the technique so you can use it for yourself later on.
PowerDirector Editing Workflow for Beginners
Each year PowerDirector releases a new version and for the most part the overall layout and workflow stays the same.
However there are always little changes here and there so to compensate for that Maliek from PowerDirector University cuts together an updated version of his intro video.
Bear in mind that when I say “intro video” I don’t mean a quick little run through! I mean a good hours worth of tutorial so grab your favorite beverage and some snacks and settle in.
Three Approaches to Designing Lower Thirds
Like most video editors these days PowerDirector let’s you approach many common tasks in a few different ways.
In the video below you can see three methods for adding lower thirds depending on what you are trying to achieve and the actual purpose of the lower third you are adding.
Top 5 Budget Cameras for Beginners in 2022
A pretty well rounded report here from the guys at the Movavi blog offering some “not so common” suggestions for beginner cameras.
This is all presented from the point of view that the new user will be shooting and editing videos for YouTube or similar.
Most of the models they take a look at are a few years old now and because of that the prices are well within reach.
It has always amazed me that current marketing has convinced many potential buyers that a camera from one, two or even three years ago has now somehow stopped working because a new model has come out!
Top 5 Hidden Features in Filmora 11 You Don’t Know Existed
I have been using Filmora since way back in the say when it was Filmora 8.
It has always been an excellent video editor with an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use.
One thing that has set it apart from many others is that the development of the program has been somewhat conservative when it comes to adding new features.
That isn’t to say that the software has been standing still!
It is just that new features have always taken a back seat to stabilization updates and bug fixes.
However it has been a few years now since the program started and many new users or even existing users may have not really noticed some of the stuff that has been added.
In light of that here are some of the more powerful one you may have missed.
How to Improve Your Skin in Video – Filmora 11 Effects
Just about every video editing program at the consumer level around today offers some kind of skin smoothing or some sort of “beauty” effect or filter.
Most of then are very similar in the way they work and that similarity goes as far as the settings you need to know.
One thing that is common to all of them is that you absolutely must go into those settings and adjust them according to the footage you are dealing with.
Too little and there is not much point using it in the fist place and too much will have you looking like some kind of bizarre cartoon character. Use with caution!
Getting Started in Drone Photography & Videography
Just a quick disclaimer on some of the legal stuff mentioned at the beginning of the video below.
The guy presenting the info is clearly referring to the U.S as far as the rules and regulations go.
If you are not in the U.S take his advice and make sure you are up to date on any laws or regulations concerning flying drones wherever you are located.
Whilst these are all good tips probably the best tip for starting out with getting good drone footage is to teach yourself how to fly the drone in the first place!
Seems obvious but keep in mind that if all of your attention is on flying the drone and not having it crash or crash into things.. that doesn’t leave much time for shot selection!