Challenge: Technology That Can Evaluate the Impact of Food Ingredients on Lactate Metabolism – Technology Org

NineSigma, representing a major food manufacturer, seeks a technology that can evaluate the impact of food ingredients on lactate metabolism.

At this point, the client welcomes a wide range of proposals, including technology currently under research, as long as it is at a level where it can be published in academic papers, even if it is not in practical use.

Challenge: Technology That Can Evaluate the Impact of Food Ingredients on Lactate Metabolism – Technology Org

Crossfit athlete. Image credit: Unsplash, free license

The client also looks forward to proposals from organizations that have not achieved results in evaluating lactate metabolism by using food ingredients but have a technology that can be applied to it in principle.

The client, a food manufacturer, currently aims to develop a product that uses food ingredients to promote lactate metabolism. Lactic acid accumulates in the human body during exercise. As lactic acid is known to be an energy source during exercise, it is thought that technology promoting lactate metabolism may improve performance during exercise.

Therefore, the client has issued this open request to discover and implement a technology that can evaluate the impact of food ingredients on lactate metabolism. This will be important in accelerating the development of the above product.

Submissions to this Challenge must be received by Feb 8, 2024.

Source: NineSights