HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the Seeker for this Wazoku Crowd Challenge, is looking for new software technologies or system approaches to improve their automated payment receipt processing to reduce or remove the costly manual intervention required in the current process.
HMRC has a complex referencing system that leads to customers needing to submit a number of references when making payments, leading to problems.
Customers can easily submit insufficient or incorrect supporting references that the ‘payments in’ process then fails to handle automatically.
The payments falling outside of the standard process drop into a separate exception-handling team with limited automation capability, causing a high manual intervention cost and increased customer contact demands.
This is a Scouting Challenge seeking a partner or supplier to provide systems or expertise to solve HMRC’s business challenge; the Solver is invited to submit a written proposal to be evaluated by HMRC with the goal of establishing a collaborative partnership.
Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on the 4th of January 2024.
Source: Wazoku