Arizona law to limit filming police was blocked

Filming police officers is a hot-button issue, and this now-blocked Arizona law made it illegal to film police within 8 feet if asked not to.
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Fujifilm embraces 8K with its new camera: the X-H2 

Fujifilm announced the Fujifilm X-H2, the latest entry in its X series. This camera packs a lot of punch, with 8K video capture.
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Your next camera could be your next phone

It’s undeniable that smartphone cameras have significantly improved over the years, but will they replace the dedicated video camera The post Your next camera could be your next phone appeared first on Videomaker….

How to access massive amounts of data quickly

Benjamin Franklin coined the old saying, “Time is money.” If we adjust that saying to modern video production, the new phrase is “Time is data.”
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Editing Mistakes and Creative Transitions

5 Editing Mistakes YouTubers Make Some really good tips here from Maliek not just on common editing mistakes people make on YouTube but also updated information that has changed over time. For example the old rule was to absolutely ask for a like and/or subscribe near…

14 things to know about the iPhone 14

Apple announced four new impressive iPhones: the base iPhone 14, along with a Plus model, a Pro model and a Pro Max model.
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