Automation in Social Media ―Using AI to Personalize Customer Experiences – Technology Org

Social media has become the backbone of our society since we allocate more than two hours daily scrolling, according to recent surveys from Statista. Whether we want to see something funny after work or share vacation photos, social media is our closest ecosystem where we get lost. However, we also use social media to be in touch with the world, an important aspect of our interest in these platforms. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok offer easy access to numerous worlds across the globe, changing the perception of other cultures, traditions, and customs.

Considering its importance, social media become an art of personalized customer experiences. Companies now provide ads and content that perfectly fits the target audience and work hard to deliver content as fast as possible. However, this is pretty challenging to maintain in the long term, which is why leveraging artificial intelligence, the most recently controversial technology, can leverage great results for businesses that want to be on top of the competition. Here’s how.

Smartphone in a hand - artistic impression.

Smartphone in a hand – artistic impression. Image credit: Rodion Kutsaiev via Unsplash, free license

Generating images and visual content

On social media, visuals are more important than text because their impact is immediate and can affect the viewer positively. But due to the fast-changing technology, visuals must be of the highest quality, whether we talk about the smallest pixel or the color quality. Hence, leveraging AI can help you generate gorgeous images and visuals with simple instructions regarding your target audience, message, and branded videos.

Of course, you must inform the public of your AI-generated content since it has often been used for the wrong purposes. Still, as long as you’re being honest with the reason for your AI usage, users will understand and appreciate your work because making something unique is indeed tricky.

You can also benefit from AI features if you already have the visual content, such as retouching images professionally or creating visuals that perfectly match one text message. This will help you enrich your social media strategy and provide impactful posts that appeal to your target audience. AI can help in any type of visual media, such as your camera presence, which is a vital feature to win more subscribers or followers.

Managing your content on social media

If you’re on a journey to increase media coverage, you probably have more social media accounts where you post daily updates about your business. Hence, you need to manage them perfectly by posting simultaneously on different platforms at the right time. Each social media platform has various engaging hours depending on the age segment using it the most. For instance, on Facebook, the target audience might be around 40 years old, so they’re most active in the morning and after work. On the other hand, teens are most attendant during the entire day.

Handling so many posts can be done with the right software, but you still have to introduce the posting hours and create descriptions manually. AI can help you considerably in this matter because it automatically collects data regarding the time of the day when people are active and automatically develops and posts on social media. Leveraging AI for posting can provide more organic engagement which is substantial compared to paid one.

However, you must be wary of the data and information offered to the AI software because you should still provide creativity and playfulness in a way that not only sells but also appeals to the audience.

Approaching AI chatbots for prompt customer experience

Most companies already provide AI chatbots since they’re time-efficient and can provide guidance on more minor issues. Training them is also less expensive and strenuous, so you won’t need that much staff for customer engagement since you’ll only require them for particular problems.

AI chatbots are able to satisfy customers through rapidness and spot-on answers, regardless of the time of the day. The program can also better suggest products that might interest customers or show ads of previously bought or searched products. Finally, AI chatbots can help in finding products or placing orders instantly.

If you’re using social media in your online business, you can integrate these chatbots into Facebook, WhatsApp, or any other application that supports AI. This is especially useful for elders who use these platforms but need guidance for basic tasks.

However, you need to be wary of the training requirements because AI uses consistent data through natural language processing. The software must provide accurate responses without bias and align with the company’s values and policies.

Expand your horizons with social listening

One of the best ways to succeed on social media is to watch what people say. Analyzing comments, posts, and sondage answers regarding their opinions and views is crucial to providing accurate content blended with your businesses’ features. That’s when social listening comes in and saves every marketer’s day through monitoring social media channels in regard to your company.

Through artificial intelligence, you’ll be able to know what people genuinely consider about your company in comparison to the competition or keywords used to describe it. Gathering this critical data will help you understand your audience, manage crises better, and enhance the customer relationship with your business. Moreover, you’ll have more collaboration opportunities on social media to gain more exposure as a reputable company.

Of course, social listening doesn’t have to be weird because your AI has to follow specific requirements when monitoring the global online opinion about the business. This involves taking posts mentioning your brand name, products, campaigns, and any hashtag. The strategy will ensure you’re up-to-date with your company’s issues and change immediately to show you’re trustworthy. At the same time, you can rapidly adjust mistakes from posts and assess your position better within the competition. 

Wrapping up

Social media is one of the best things that happened for companies, and that’s because it blends entertainment with business in a way that appeals to the regular user. But now it’s time for it to take the next step and introduce automation through artificial intelligence in order for marketers to enhance their approaches and target customers with superior customer experience services and products.