Halo Series Episode 9 + Season 1 Review

The conclusion to the first season of Master Chief’s TV adventures is finally here, but did it stick the landing or continue to frustrate us? Join us for another special episode of The GI Show, where we’re reviewing both episode nine of Halo and…

Weekend Warrior – Season Finales

This week marks the end of the first season of Halo’s television adaptation, and while it was a rocky season, at least you can enjoy listening to the GI editors talk the ups and downs. The finale of the special GI Show review series…

How to Become a Software Engineer Without a CS Degree?

Are you the one who’s interested in becoming a Software Engineer but don’t have a CS degree? Don’t Worry! Nothing can become a hurdle if… Read More
The post How to Become a Software Engineer Without a CS Degree? appeared first on GeeksforGeeks. …

Report: EA Almost Merged With NBC Universal Before Deal With Comcast Dissolved

Mergers, acquisitions, and consolidation are all the rage with major conglomerates these days. Microsoft is in the process of acquiring Activision Blizzard, Discovery and Time Warner have recently finished merging into one mega-media empire, and Sony is bringing Destiny developer Bungie into the PlayStation family….

Software Developer vs. Full-Stack Developer: Key Differences

According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, full-stack developers were up to 49% of the population of more than 66,000 developers. That’s almost half! Additionally, software developers made up more than 38% of the population. While both are popular, it’s…
The post Software Developer vs. Full-Stack…

Conti ransomware gang shuts down, rebranding into smaller units

Given the fact that the infamous Conti ransomware gang recently threatened to topple the newly elected Costa Rican government, it may come as a surprise that the ransomware group has just shutdown its operations. In a press conference on Monday, May 16th, Costa Rica’s President Rodrigo Chaves reminded listeners that the Conti ransomware […]