8 CSS Snippets for Styling HTML Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

We share eight unique CSS snippets that demonstrate what HTML checkboxes and radio buttons are truly capable of achieving.
The post 8 CSS Snippets for Styling HTML Checkboxes & Radio Buttons appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine….

Davinci Resolve 18 finally leaves beta

After months of being in beta, Blackmagic Design has officially released the full version of Davinci Resolve 18 to the masses. The post Davinci Resolve 18 finally leaves beta appeared first on Videomaker….

Cheesy Transitions

 Mike and Chris cover some cheesy transitions like the star wipe, the page peel, their uses and what to avoid. 
The post Cheesy Transitions appeared first on Videomaker….

Why I Chose Angular to Build a URL Shortener

URL Shorteners are tools we use to make links shorter than they actually are. With a URL Shortener, you can transform a long link (maybe for a registration form or article) into a shorter version.
Behind the scenes, the long … Why I Chose Angular to Build…

Weekly News for Designers № 653

This week’s Designer News – № 653 – includes How I Experience the Web Today, The History of User Interfaces, The Many Faces of Themeable Design Systems, 50 Free Rust Textures, Level Up Your Headings Game, WordPress Installer Attack Race, and plenty more.
The post Weekly News…