CSS Toggle Switch

Today, we’ll go over how we can transform a regular checkbox input element to a responsive toggle switch. It’s not as hard as you may think and only involves CSS. No JavaScript. So let’s get into it! If you get…
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AJA releases Mini-Converters line update

AJA released a free software update for its range of video Mini-Converters, including the HA5-12G, Hi5-12G and 12G-AMA Mini-Converters.
The post AJA releases Mini-Converters line update appeared first on Videomaker….

What I Learned from Building a Multilingual WordPress Website

We share some thoughts and valuable lessons that will help make for a smoother ride when building multilingual websites with WordPress.
The post What I Learned from Building a Multilingual WordPress Website appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine….

What is the best bitrate for a Twitch stream?

Knowing what bitrate you need to set your Twitch stream to is not only essential for your stream’s quality but also for your viewers.
The post What is the best bitrate for a Twitch stream? appeared first on Videomaker….

How to create a datacentre capacity plan

Thank you for joining! Access your Pro+ Content below. 2 August 2022 How to create a datacentre capacity plan Share this item with your network: In this week’s Computer Weekly,…

Cloud Engineer – Education, Skills, Salary, and Career

Every workload in today’s world is being shifted to the cloud. Cloud is something like software that operates on the Internet. The major benefit of… Read More
The post Cloud Engineer – Education, Skills, Salary, and Career appeared first on GeeksforGeeks….

Implicit Grids, Repeatable Layout Patterns, and Danglers

Dave Rupert with some modern CSS magic that tackles one of those classic conundrums: what happens when the CSS for component is unable to handle the content we throw at it?
The specific situation is when a layout grid expects … Implicit Grids, Repeatable Layout Patterns, and…