White House releases AI “Bill of Rights”

As the tech sector advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), the White House calls for new user protections. The Office of Science and Technology Policy introduced the AI Bill of Rights, characterized by five main points. These principles don’t carry the force of the law but aim to…

Some Things I Took Away From An Event Apart 2022 in Denver

An Event Apart 2022 Denver wrapped up yesterday. And while I was unable to make it to all three days this time, I did catch yesterday’s action — and it was awesome. I’m not very social or outgoing, but … Some Things I Took Away From…

A Pure CSS Gallery Focus Effect with :not

Oftentimes in the past, I needed to figure out how to add styles to all elements inside the container but not the hovered one.
Demo of the expected “fade-out” effect on siblings to let users “focus” on a particular element.… A Pure CSS Gallery Focus Effect with…

The Grumpy Designer Takes on WordPress Malware

While some professions fade over time, there will always be a need for web designers. Why? Because with each passing year, the job becomes more complex. New responsibilities arrive that…
The post The Grumpy Designer Takes on WordPress Malware appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine….

Early Days of Container Style Queries

We’re still in suuuuuper early days with container queries. Too early for broad browser support, but Chromium already supports it, Safari started supporting it in version 16, and Firefox is presumably not far behind.
Most early days conversations … Early Days of Container Style Queries originally published…

Java vs. Python: Complete Guide

While Java and Python have both been around for decades, they’re still the programming languages of choice for many projects. In fact, a prominent source indicates Python and Java have been the second and third most popular languages behind JavaScript…
The post Java vs. Python: Complete Guide…