Flavilla Fongang, most influential woman in UK tech 2022, winner’s speech
In this video from Computer Weekly’s annual diversity event, in partnership with Nash Squared, Flavilla Fongang, founder of 3 Colours Rule and GTA Black Women in Tech, gives her acceptance…
BOXX updates APEXX S4 workstation with new 13th Gen Intel Core processors
BOXX Technologies has announced that its APEXX S4 workstation has been updated to feature 13th Gen Intel Core i7 and i9 processors. BOXX Technologies is among the first workstation manufacturers to ship systems equipped with the new processors. APEXX S4 The APEXX S4 computer workstation is…
ProGrade Digital announces new 3rd generation CFast 2.0 Cobalt memory cards
ProGrade Digital has announced the launch of the third generation of its CFast 2.0 memory cards. The new cards are available with capacities of 320GB and 640GB. The cards also now carry the ProGrade Digital’s Cobalt designation which shows that it is the best that the…
The American shot: the cowboy of camera angles
If you have watched a classic Western, you’ve likely already seen the American shot in action. Here’s all you need to know about the shot.
The post The American shot: the cowboy of camera angles appeared first on Videomaker….
New gold standard to protect good faith hackers
Bug bounty programme operator and ethical hacking platform HackerOne has launched a Gold Standard Safe Harbour (GSSH) statement for its customers to help them demonstrate that they can and will…
Making Static Noise From a Weird CSS Gradient Bug
What I will be doing here is kind of an experiment to explore tricks that leverage a bug with the way CSS gradients handle sub-pixel rendering to create a static noise effect — like you might see on a TV with no signal. Making Static Noise…
Weekly News for Designers № 670
This week’s Designer News – № 670 – includes Mona and Hubot Sans Fonts, GitHub Blocks, Why We Need CSS Speech, Slim Icons, The Evolution of Scalable CSS, Managing CSS Styles in a WordPress Block Theme, and so much more.
The post Weekly News for Designers № 670…
Close Ups and Other Editing Techniques
Close-up Shots in Film — Ultimate Guide to Lighting, Framing and Editing Close-ups In all reality the video below is probably a little beyond the scope of your average amateur video maker. However the bottom line is that a close up shot done correctly and for…