Arcesium Interview Experience for Software Engineer

Arcesium Interview Experience for Software Engineer

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Coding test (Platform: Hacker Rank/Non–Proctored)


  • General Aptitude
  • Coding MCQs
  • 2 Coding questions

All sections were time-bound and if you jump ahead in sections, you can’t go back. Interviews: (Total candidates: 15, Platform: Hacker Rank Code Pair)

Round 1 (1 Hour Round):

  1. Introduce yourself (which programming language you prefer, etc.).
  2. What are Vtable and Vptr?
  3. Given an n*m binary matrix row-wise sorted, find the row with max 1’s.
  4. What is normalization?

Round 2 (1 Hour Round):

  1. Introduce yourself (which programming language you prefer, etc.).
  2. What is threading? Anywhere you have used it? Why use processes when we have threads?
  3. Why C++? C++ vs python questions were asked like which consumes more space.
  4. What are ACID properties? Are modern databases always consistent? If one server talks to another, and that one talks to another, and they don’t have the copies of each other’s DB in their local buffers, can it lead to an inconsistent state? (In short study OS, and DBMS well).
  5. Given a tree and a target node’s address, find all of its cousins. (Can only use recursive stack space, no queue, no map, only recursive stack space allowed).
  6. Given a table consisting of employee_id, employee_name, and manager_id (who is itself an employee), write SQL query to get the names of all employees and their managers. (famous question)

Round 3 (1 Hour Round, 2 interviewers came):

  • Given two tables, one has employee_id, employee_name, and company_id (in which they work) and the other table containing company_id and company_name, write SQL query to get the count of all employees in every company along with that company name.
  • What are DBMS constraints? When to normalize a table? Do the tables of Q1 need normalization? What is a foreign key?

Status: Rejected