5 Cloud Native Security Challenges and How to Solve them with CWPP – Technology Org

What Is Cloud Native Security? 

Cloud security - artistic impression.

Cloud security – artistic impression.

Cloud native security refers to a security approach specifically tailored for applications built and deployed in the cloud. These applications are designed to leverage the advantages of cloud computing models and are inherently different from those developed for traditional, on-premises environments. They typically run on infrastructure such as virtual machines (VMs), containers and container orchestrators, and serverless functions.

Cloud native security focuses on protecting your cloud-based applications throughout their lifecycle. From the development and deployment stage to the runtime and scaling stage, every aspect requires a unique security approach. Cloud native security is multifaceted, covering areas like application security, infrastructure security, and data security.

Cloud Native Security Challenges 

Here are some of the unique challenges of security in cloud native environments:

Vulnerability Management in Dynamic Environments

In the cloud, resources are continually being created, updated, and decommissioned. This operational dynamism can lead to a rapid proliferation of vulnerabilities.

The traditional methods of running periodic vulnerability scans are not effective in these environments. The dynamic nature of the cloud means that by the time a scan is completed, the environment may have changed, leaving new vulnerabilities undiscovered.

Furthermore, cloud native applications are often built using open-source components. While these components accelerate development, they can also introduce vulnerabilities if not properly managed. Therefore, organizations need to adopt real-time vulnerability management strategies that can keep pace with the dynamic nature of cloud environments.

Misconfiguration and Compliance Risks

With the complexity and flexibility of cloud environments, there is an increased risk of misconfiguration. This can inadvertently expose sensitive data or leave the system vulnerable to attacks.

In addition, maintaining compliance in the cloud can be a daunting task. Different cloud providers may have different compliance controls, and keeping track of these can be challenging. Moreover, regulatory requirements are continually evolving, adding another layer of complexity.

To mitigate these risks, organizations need to implement automated configuration and compliance management tools. These tools can continuously monitor the environment for any deviations from the established policies and alert the responsible teams for remediation.

Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a critical component of cloud native security. With the distributed nature of cloud environments, managing who has access to what resources becomes all the more challenging.

Traditional IAM solutions may not be suited for the cloud, as they often do not support the granular access control needed for cloud resources. Moreover, the cloud often involves multiple stakeholders, such as developers, operators, and third-party vendors, each requiring different levels of access.

To effectively manage IAM in the cloud, organizations need to adopt a principle of least privilege approach. This means granting users only the permissions they need to perform their tasks and nothing more. In addition, implementing multi-factor authentication and regular audits can enhance IAM security.

Container and Orchestration Security

Containers and orchestration tools like Kubernetes have become a cornerstone of cloud native applications. However, they also introduce new security challenges.

Containers can be vulnerable to attacks if not properly secured. For example, if a container is compromised, the attacker can gain access to other containers or even the host system. Similarly, misconfigurations in orchestration tools can lead to security breaches.

Securing containers and orchestration tools requires a comprehensive approach. This includes securing the container images, implementing network policies, managing secrets, and continuously monitoring the environment for any anomalies.

Network Security and Microsegmentation

In a cloud native environment, network security also presents unique challenges. With the shift towards microservices architecture, the network has become more complex and distributed. This increases the attack surface and makes the network more susceptible to attacks.

Microsegmentation is a technique that can enhance network security in such environments. It involves dividing the network into smaller, isolated segments. This limits the lateral movement of attackers, thereby containing potential breaches within a single segment.

What Is a Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP)? 

A Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) is a security solution designed specifically to protect workloads in cloud environments. These workloads can include applications, data, and services that operate in public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures. The primary goal of a CWPP is to provide comprehensive security coverage across diverse cloud environments while accommodating the dynamic and scalable nature of cloud resources.

CWPPs offer a range of features to secure cloud workloads. These typically include:

  • Visibility and discovery: CWPPs provide visibility into cloud workloads, offering insights into the configuration, behavior, and security posture of each workload. They can automatically discover and inventory workloads across cloud environments, which is crucial for maintaining an up-to-date security posture.
  • Compliance management: CWPPs assist in maintaining compliance with various regulatory standards and internal policies. They help in identifying and rectifying compliance violations, thereby reducing the risk of legal and financial penalties.
  • Threat detection and response: Advanced threat detection capabilities in CWPPs enable the identification of suspicious activities and potential threats. They provide automated response mechanisms to mitigate threats, such as isolating compromised workloads or initiating remediation processes.
  • Integration with cloud services: CWPPs are designed to integrate seamlessly with cloud service providers’ native tools and APIs. This integration enhances the security capabilities of cloud services and ensures that security policies are consistently applied across all cloud resources.

How CWPP Helps Secure Cloud Native Environments 

Now that we have a basic understanding of CWPP, let’s explore how it can help secure cloud-native environments.

1. Automated Configuration Management and Remediation

A key feature of CWPP systems is their ability to automate configuration management. In a cloud-native environment, misconfigurations can lead to significant security risks. CWPP systems help to mitigate these risks by automatically managing configurations and implementing remediation measures when necessary. This ensures that the system is always in the optimal state of security and functioning efficiently.

CWPP systems also offer automated remediation capabilities. This means that once a vulnerability or threat is detected, the system can take immediate action to address the issue. This could involve patching a vulnerability, blocking a threat, or even isolating a compromised workload to prevent further damage. These automated remediation capabilities greatly enhance the resilience of the cloud-native environment and reduce the potential impact of security breaches.

2. Automated Vulnerability Scanning

One of the most significant advantages of using a CWPP is its ability to automate the process of vulnerability scanning. This means that the system is constantly on the lookout for potential vulnerabilities, which can be swiftly identified and addressed before they are exploited by attackers. This automated approach not only saves time but also greatly reduces the risk of human error, which is often a major factor in security breaches.

Furthermore, CWPP systems also integrate real-time threat intelligence. This means that the system is constantly updated with the latest information about potential threats, which can be used to bolster the security of the cloud-native environment. This integration of real-time threat intelligence helps to create a proactive security posture, which is crucial in dealing with the ever-evolving threat landscape.

3. Monitoring and Management of Privileges and Roles

In a cloud-native environment, managing privileges and roles can be a complex task. However, this is a critical aspect of security, as improper management of privileges can lead to unauthorized access and data breaches. CWPP systems provide a solution for monitoring and managing privileges and roles, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to specific resources.

Moreover, CWPP systems can also track changes in privileges and roles over time. This can be particularly useful in identifying potential security risks, such as an unusually high number of privilege escalations or changes in roles. By closely monitoring privileges and roles, CWPP systems can help to maintain the integrity of the cloud-native environment and protect against insider threats.

4. Security Policy Enforcement for Containerized Environments

Containerization is a key feature of cloud-native environments, and it brings its own set of security challenges. CWPP systems help to address these challenges by enforcing security policies and implementing network segmentation for containerized applications.

Enforcing security policies involves setting rules and guidelines for how containerized applications should operate. These policies can cover a wide range of factors, from how data is stored and accessed, to how applications interact with each other. By enforcing these policies, CWPP systems can help to ensure that containerized applications operate securely and in accordance with best practices.

Network segmentation involves dividing the network into separate segments, each with its own set of security controls. This can help to isolate containerized applications and limit the potential impact of a security breach. By implementing network segmentation, CWPP systems can enhance the security of containerized applications and protect against lateral movement of threats within the network.

5. Network Traffic Monitoring and Threat Detection

Lastly, CWPP systems also provide network traffic monitoring and threat detection capabilities. By closely monitoring network traffic, CWPP systems can detect unusual activity that may indicate a potential threat. This could involve sudden spikes in traffic, unusual patterns of data transfer, or attempts to access restricted resources.

In addition to monitoring network traffic, CWPP systems can also detect threats based on a variety of indicators. This could involve identifying known malicious IP addresses, detecting patterns of behavior associated with specific types of attacks, or identifying suspicious changes in system configurations. By providing both network traffic monitoring and threat detection capabilities, CWPP systems offer a comprehensive solution to the cloud native security challenges.


In conclusion, as businesses increasingly transition to cloud-native environments, the associated security challenges become even more pronounced. However, with the help of CWPP, businesses can significantly enhance the security of their cloud-native environments. By providing automated vulnerability scanning, real-time threat intelligence integration, automated configuration management, monitoring of privileges and roles, enforcement of security policies, and network traffic monitoring, CWPP systems offer a solution to numerous cloud native security challenges.

Author Bio: Gilad David Maayan

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/giladdavidmaayan/