The tenured engineers of 2024

In 2024, MIT granted tenure to 11 faculty members across the School of Engineering. This year’s tenured engineers hold appointments in the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS, which reports jointly to the School of Engineering and MIT Schwarzman College of Computing), Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Science and Engineering.

“My heartfelt congratulations to the 11 engineering faculty members on receiving tenure. These faculty have already made a lasting impact in the School of Engineering through both advances in their field and their dedication as educators and mentors,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, chief innovation and strategy officer, dean of engineering, and the Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

This year’s newly tenured engineering faculty include:

Adam Belay, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), works on operating systems, runtime systems, and distributed systems. He is particularly interested in developing practical methods for microsecond-scale computing and cloud resource management, with many applications relating to performance and computing efficiency within large data centers.

Irmgard Bischofberger, Class of 1942 Career Development Professor and associate professor of mechanical engineering, is an expert in the mechanisms of pattern formation and instabilities in complex fluids. Her research reveals new insights into classical understanding of instabilities and has wide relevance to physical systems and industrial processes. Further, she is dedicated to science communication and generates exquisite visualizations of complex fluidic phenomena from her research.

Matteo Bucci serves as the Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Associate Professor of nuclear science and engineering. His research group studies two-phase heat transfer mechanisms in nuclear reactors and space systems, develops high-resolution, nonintrusive diagnostics and surface engineering techniques to enhance two-phase heat transfer, and creates machine-learning tools to accelerate data analysis and conduct autonomous heat transfer experiments.

Luca Carlone, the Boeing Career Development Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics, is head of the Sensing, Perception, Autonomy, and Robot Kinetics Laboratory and principal investigator at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. His research focuses on the cutting edge of robotics and autonomous systems research, with a particular interest in designing certifiable perception algorithms for high-integrity autonomous systems and developing algorithms and systems for real-time 3D scene understanding on mobile robotics platforms operating in the real world.

Manya Ghobadi, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at CSAIL, builds efficient network infrastructures that optimize resource use, energy consumption, and availability of large-scale systems. She is a leading expert in networks with reconfigurable physical layers, and many of the ideas she has helped develop are part of real-world systems.

Zachary (Zach) Hartwig serves as the Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, with a co-appointment at MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center. His current research focuses on the development of high-field superconducting magnet technologies for fusion energy and accelerated irradiation methods for fusion materials using ion beams. He is a co-founder of Commonwealth Fusion Systems, a private company commercializing fusion energy.

Admir Masic, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, focuses on bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern material technologies. He applies his expertise in the fields of in situ and operando spectroscopic techniques to develop sustainable materials for construction, energy, and the environment.

Stefanie Mueller is the TIBCO Career Development Professor in the Department of EECS. Mueller has a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is a principal investigator at CSAIL. She develops novel hardware and software systems that give objects new capabilities. Among other applications, her lab creates health sensing devices and electronic sensing devices for curved surfaces; embedded sensors; fabrication techniques that enable objects to be trackable via invisible marker; and objects with reprogrammable and interactive appearances.

Koroush Shirvan serves as the Atlantic Richfield Career Development Professor in Energy Studies in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering. He specializes in the development and assessment of advanced nuclear reactor technology. He is currently focused on accelerating innovations in nuclear fuels, reactor design, and small modular reactors to improve the sustainability of current and next-generation power plants. His approach combines multiple scales, physics and disciplines to realize innovative solutions in the highly regulated nuclear energy sector.

Julian Shun, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at CSAIL, focuses on the theory and practice of parallel and high-performance computing. He is interested in designing algorithms that are efficient in both theory and practice, as well as high-level frameworks that make it easier for programmers to write efficient parallel code. His research has focused on designing solutions for graphs, spatial data, and dynamic problems.

Zachary P. Smith, Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor and associate professor of chemical engineering, focuses on the molecular-level design, synthesis, and characterization of polymers and inorganic materials for applications in membrane-based separations, which is a promising aid for the energy industry and the environment, from dissolving olefins found in plastics or rubber, to capturing smokestack carbon dioxide emissions. He is a co-founder and chief scientist of Osmoses, a startup aiming to commercialize membrane technology for industrial gas separations.

Rob Clark, President and CTO of Seekr – Interview Series

Rob Clark is the President and Chief Technology Office (CTO) of Seekr. Rob has over 20 years of experience in software engineering, product management, operations, and the development of leading-edge artificial intelligence and web-scale technologies. Before joining Seekr, he led several artificial intelligence and search solutions…

AI Auditing: Ensuring Performance and Accuracy in Generative Models

In recent years, the world has witnessed the unprecedented rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has transformed numerous sectors and reshaped our everyday lives. Among the most transformative advancements are generative models, AI systems capable of creating text, images, music, and more with surprising creativity and…

“Rollerama” roller rink opens in Kendall Square

The former U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe Center site — now named “Kendall Common” in anticipation of its transformation into a vibrant mixed-use development — is now activated and open to all this summer. “Rollerama at Kendall Common” offers free roller-skating and roller skate rentals, community programming, and family-friendly events through September.

“We are extremely excited to bring Kendall Common to life in a way that is inviting and authentically Cambridge, while channeling MIT’s spirit of innovation throughout the project,” says Patrick Rowe, senior vice president, MIT Investment Management Co. “This parcel of land — right in the heart of Kendall Square — has been closed off to local residents and visitors for far too long, and we look forward to opening it up and making it accessible for all to utilize and enjoy.”

Located at the corner of Broadway and Third Street, Rollerama offers specialty themed skating nights and live entertainment, as well as food and beverage from local restaurants for purchase. Optional skate rental donations will be directed to local nonprofits. A highlight of the space is a new 7,000 square foot mural by Boston-based artist Massiel Grullón featuring retro-inspired shapes.

The first of two opening weekends took place June 28-30; the next one will be July 5-7 from 2-8 p.m. on Fridays, and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. From July 10 through Sept. 29, Rollerama will be open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2-8 p.m., and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

“We’re delighted to see this underutilized space activated with vibrant and playful programming,” says Jess Smith, director of MIT Open Space Programming. “Rollerama will add to the energy of Kendall Square and provide yet another compelling reason for employees, residents, students, and visitors to mix and mingle here. With food and drink available from Cambridge partners and voluntary donations going to Cambridge nonprofits, these activities in Kendall Common will contribute significantly to the sense of community in Kendall.”

The activation of Kendall Common will complement other new additions MIT has recently brought to the Kendall Square neighborhood, including Ripple Café, Row 34, Life Alive Café, Locke Bar, and Flat Top Johnny’s, along with the MIT Museum and MIT Press Book Store.

MIT assumed ownership of 10 acres of the former U.S. DOT Volpe Center site in Kendall Square earlier this year, and will commence infrastructure and site preparation for the redevelopment this fall. Over the coming years, MIT aims to transform Kendall Common into a vibrant, mixed-use development that will strengthen connections in the Cambridge community through new open green spaces, housing, retail offerings, restaurants, a community center, and science and innovation facilities.

Kendall Common will eventually include four residential buildings, four commercial buildings, four parks and a community center. Designed to be an inclusive and equitable urban environment with a focus on sustainability, the development is intended to nurture and inspire the local community.

For more information visit the Kendall Common website, Instagram page, and Facebook page.

A prosthesis driven by the nervous system helps people with amputation walk naturally

State-of-the-art prosthetic limbs can help people with amputations achieve a natural walking gait, but they don’t give the user full neural control over the limb. Instead, they rely on robotic sensors and controllers that move the limb using predefined gait algorithms.

Using a new type of surgical intervention and neuroprosthetic interface, MIT researchers, in collaboration with colleagues from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, have shown that a natural walking gait is achievable using a prosthetic leg fully driven by the body’s own nervous system. The surgical amputation procedure reconnects muscles in the residual limb, which allows patients to receive “proprioceptive” feedback about where their prosthetic limb is in space.

In a study of seven patients who had this surgery, the MIT team found that they were able to walk faster, avoid obstacles, and climb stairs much more naturally than people with a traditional amputation.

“This is the first prosthetic study in history that shows a leg prosthesis under full neural modulation, where a biomimetic gait emerges. No one has been able to show this level of brain control that produces a natural gait, where the human’s nervous system is controlling the movement, not a robotic control algorithm,” says Hugh Herr, a professor of media arts and sciences, co-director of the K. Lisa Yang Center for Bionics at MIT, an associate member of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and the senior author of the new study.

Patients also experienced less pain and less muscle atrophy following this surgery, which is known as the agonist-antagonist myoneural interface (AMI). So far, about 60 patients around the world have received this type of surgery, which can also be done for people with arm amputations.

Hyungeun Song, a postdoc in MIT’s Media Lab, is the lead author of the paper, which appears today in Nature Medicine.

Sensory feedback

Most limb movement is controlled by pairs of muscles that take turns stretching and contracting. During a traditional below-the-knee amputation, the interactions of these paired muscles are disrupted. This makes it very difficult for the nervous system to sense the position of a muscle and how fast it’s contracting — sensory information that is critical for the brain to decide how to move the limb.

People with this kind of amputation may have trouble controlling their prosthetic limb because they can’t accurately sense where the limb is in space. Instead, they rely on robotic controllers built into the prosthetic limb. These limbs also include sensors that can detect and adjust to slopes and obstacles.

To try to help people achieve a natural gait under full nervous system control, Herr and his colleagues began developing the AMI surgery several years ago. Instead of severing natural agonist-antagonist muscle interactions, they connect the two ends of the muscles so that they still dynamically communicate with each other within the residual limb. This surgery can be done during a primary amputation, or the muscles can be reconnected after the initial amputation as part of a revision procedure.

“With the AMI amputation procedure, to the greatest extent possible, we attempt to connect native agonists to native antagonists in a physiological way so that after amputation, a person can move their full phantom limb with physiologic levels of proprioception and range of movement,” Herr says.

In a 2021 study, Herr’s lab found that patients who had this surgery were able to more precisely control the muscles of their amputated limb, and that those muscles produced electrical signals similar to those from their intact limb.

After those encouraging results, the researchers set out to explore whether those electrical signals could generate commands for a prosthetic limb and at the same time give the user feedback about the limb’s position in space. The person wearing the prosthetic limb could then use that proprioceptive feedback to volitionally adjust their gait as needed.

In the new Nature Medicine study, the MIT team found this sensory feedback did indeed translate into a smooth, near-natural ability to walk and navigate obstacles.

“Because of the AMI neuroprosthetic interface, we were able to boost that neural signaling, preserving as much as we could. This was able to restore a person’s neural capability to continuously and directly control the full gait, across different walking speeds, stairs, slopes, even going over obstacles,” Song says.

A natural gait

For this study, the researchers compared seven people who had the AMI surgery with seven who had traditional below-the-knee amputations. All of the subjects used the same type of bionic limb: a prosthesis with a powered ankle as well as electrodes that can sense electromyography (EMG) signals from the tibialis anterior the gastrocnemius muscles. These signals are fed into a robotic controller that helps the prosthesis calculate how much to bend the ankle, how much torque to apply, or how much power to deliver.

The researchers tested the subjects in several different situations: level-ground walking across a 10-meter pathway, walking up a slope, walking down a ramp, walking up and down stairs, and walking on a level surface while avoiding obstacles.

In all of these tasks, the people with the AMI neuroprosthetic interface were able to walk faster — at about the same rate as people without amputations — and navigate around obstacles more easily. They also showed more natural movements, such as pointing the toes of the prosthesis upward while going up stairs or stepping over an obstacle, and they were better able to coordinate the movements of their prosthetic limb and their intact limb. They were also able to push off the ground with the same amount of force as someone without an amputation.

“With the AMI cohort, we saw natural biomimetic behaviors emerge,” Herr says. “The cohort that didn’t have the AMI, they were able to walk, but the prosthetic movements weren’t natural, and their movements were generally slower.”

These natural behaviors emerged even though the amount of sensory feedback provided by the AMI was less than 20 percent of what would normally be received in people without an amputation.

“One of the main findings here is that a small increase in neural feedback from your amputated limb can restore significant bionic neural controllability, to a point where you allow people to directly neurally control the speed of walking, adapt to different terrain, and avoid obstacles,” Song says.

“This work represents yet another step in us demonstrating what is possible in terms of restoring function in patients who suffer from severe limb injury. It is through collaborative efforts such as this that we are able to make transformational progress in patient care,” says Matthew Carty, a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, who is also an author of the paper.

Enabling neural control by the person using the limb is a step toward Herr’s lab’s goal of “rebuilding human bodies,” rather than having people rely on ever more sophisticated robotic controllers and sensors — tools that are powerful but do not feel like part of the user’s body.

“The problem with that long-term approach is that the user would never feel embodied with their prosthesis. They would never view the prosthesis as part of their body, part of self,” Herr says. “The approach we’re taking is trying to comprehensively connect the brain of the human to the electromechanics.”

The research was funded by the MIT K. Lisa Yang Center for Bionics and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Scientists observe record-setting electron mobility in a new crystal film

A material with a high electron mobility is like a highway without traffic. Any electrons that flow into the material experience a commuter’s dream, breezing through without any obstacles or congestion to slow or scatter them off their path.

The higher a material’s electron mobility, the more efficient its electrical conductivity, and the less energy is lost or wasted as electrons zip through. Advanced materials that exhibit high electron mobility will be essential for more efficient and sustainable electronic devices that can do more work with less power.

Now, physicists at MIT, the Army Research Lab, and elsewhere have achieved a record-setting level of electron mobility in a thin film of ternary tetradymite — a class of mineral that is naturally found in deep hydrothermal deposits of gold and quartz.

For this study, the scientists grew pure, ultrathin films of the material, in a way that minimized defects in its crystalline structure. They found that this nearly perfect film — much thinner than a human hair — exhibits the highest electron mobility in its class.

The team was able to estimate the material’s electron mobility by detecting quantum oscillations when electric current passes through. These oscillations are a signature of the quantum mechanical behavior of electrons in a material. The researchers detected a particular rhythm of oscillations that is characteristic of high electron mobility — higher than any ternary thin films of this class to date.

“Before, what people had achieved in terms of electron mobility in these systems was like traffic on a road under construction — you’re backed up, you can’t drive, it’s dusty, and it’s a mess,” says Jagadeesh Moodera, a senior research scientist in MIT’s Department of Physics. “In this newly optimized material, it’s like driving on the Mass Pike with no traffic.”

The team’s results, which appear today in the journal Materials Today Physics, point to ternary tetradymite thin films as a promising material for future electronics, such as wearable thermoelectric devices that efficiently convert waste heat into electricity. (Tetradymites are the active materials that cause the cooling effect in commercial thermoelectric coolers.) The material could also be the basis for spintronic devices, which process information using an electron’s spin, using far less power than conventional silicon-based devices.

The study also uses quantum oscillations as a highly effective tool for measuring a material’s electronic performance.

“We are using this oscillation as a rapid test kit,” says study author Hang Chi, a former research scientist at MIT who is now at the University of Ottawa. “By studying this delicate quantum dance of electrons, scientists can start to understand and identify new materials for the next generation of technologies that will power our world.”

Chi and Moodera’s co-authors include Patrick Taylor, formerly of MIT Lincoln Laboratory, along with Owen Vail and Harry Hier of the Army Research Lab, and Brandi Wooten and Joseph Heremans of Ohio State University.

Beam down

The name “tetradymite” derives from the Greek “tetra” for “four,” and “dymite,” meaning “twin.” Both terms describe the mineral’s crystal structure, which consists of rhombohedral crystals that are “twinned” in groups of four — i.e. they have identical crystal structures that share a side.

Tetradymites comprise combinations of bismuth, antimony tellurium, sulfur, and selenium. In the 1950s, scientists found that tetradymites exhibit semiconducting properties that could be ideal for thermoelectric applications: The mineral in its bulk crystal form was able to passively convert heat into electricity.

Then, in the 1990s, the late Institute Professor Mildred Dresselhaus proposed that the mineral’s thermoelectric properties might be significantly enhanced, not in its bulk form but within its microscopic, nanometer-scale surface, where the interactions of electrons is more pronounced. (Heremans happened to work in Dresselhaus’ group at the time.)

“It became clear that when you look at this material long enough and close enough, new things will happen,” Chi says. “This material was identified as a topological insulator, where scientists could see very interesting phenomena on their surface. But to keep uncovering new things, we have to master the material growth.”

To grow thin films of pure crystal, the researchers employed molecular beam epitaxy — a method by which a beam of molecules is fired at a substrate, typically in a vacuum, and with precisely controlled temperatures. When the molecules deposit on the substrate, they condense and build up slowly, one atomic layer at a time. By controlling the timing and type of molecules deposited, scientists can grow ultrathin crystal films in exact configurations, with few if any defects.

“Normally, bismuth and tellurium can interchange their position, which creates defects in the crystal,” co-author Taylor explains. “The system we used to grow these films came down with me from MIT Lincoln Laboratory, where we use high purity materials to minimize impurities to undetectable limits. It is the perfect tool to explore this research.”

Free flow

The team grew thin films of ternary tetradymite, each about 100 nanometers thin. They then tested the film’s electronic properties by looking for Shubnikov-de Haas quantum oscillations — a phenomenon that was discovered by physicists Lev Shubnikov and Wander de Haas, who found that a material’s electrical conductivity can oscillate when exposed to a strong magnetic field at low temperatures. This effect occurs because the material’s electrons fill up specific energy levels that shift as the magnetic field changes.

Such quantum oscillations could serve as a signature of a material’s electronic structure, and the ways in which electrons behave and interact. Most notably for the MIT team, the oscillations could determine a material’s electron mobility: If oscillations exist, it must mean that the material’s electrical resistance is able to change, and by inference, electrons can be mobile, and made to easily flow.

The team looked for signs of quantum oscillations in their new films, by first exposing them to ultracold temperatures and a strong magnetic field, then running an electric current through the film and measuring the voltage along its path, as they tuned the magnetic field up and down.

“It turns out, to our great joy and excitement, that the material’s electrical resistance oscillates,” Chi says. “Immediately, that tells you that this has very high electron mobility.”

Specifically, the team estimates that the ternary tetradymite thin film exhibits an electron mobility of 10,000 cm2/V-s — the highest mobility of any ternary tetradymite film yet measured. The team suspects that the film’s record mobility has something to do with its low defects and impurities, which they were able to minimize with their precise growth strategies. The fewer a material’s defects, the fewer obstacles an electron encounters, and the more freely it can flow.

“This is showing it’s possible to go a giant step further, when properly controlling these complex systems,” Moodera says. “This tells us we’re in the right direction, and we have the right system to proceed further, to keep perfecting this material down to even much thinner films and proximity coupling for use in future spintronics and wearable thermoelectric devices.”

This research was supported in part by the Army Research Office, National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Canada Research Chairs Program and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

EU probes Microsoft-OpenAI and Google-Samsung AI deals

The European Union has intensified its antitrust scrutiny on AI deals, starting with high-profile collaborations between Microsoft-OpenAI and Google-Samsung. Margrethe Vestager, the European Commission’s executive vice president for competition policy, warned that AI is “developing at breakneck speed” and revealed that multiple preliminary investigations are underway…

Why Fixing Websites Is a Growth Opportunity for Freelancers

For years, freelance web designers have been encouraged to book new projects. It’s how I built my business. I’m betting that many more have done the same.

There’s great appeal in building a new website. It’s a chance for a fresh start. You can use the best tools for the job. The experience is even better if you are unencumbered with technical debt.

It can also be a lucrative business – but there are challenges. You’ll need to book clients with a sizeable budget. You’ll also need to find a way to stand out among competitors. That’s one path to success.

There are other ways to make money, though. The growing complexity of the web creates a different opportunity for web designers.

Think of all the websites out there. Consider how many of them are “broken” or poorly maintained. An enterprising freelancer could train their focus on these clients.

Let’s examine the pros and cons of fixing websites.

An Opportunity Years in the Making

There is no shortage of virtual fixer-uppers. You don’t have to look far to see outdated and neglected websites. But why?

I believe much of it stems from content management systems (CMS). Tools like WordPress offer plenty of possibilities for a great website. However, they also require education and commitment.

Sometimes, an entrepreneur may attempt to build it themselves. But, they will soon find that they’re in over their head. Or they don’t know the ingredients of a stable and performant site.

Even those who hire a web professional can run into problems. That web designer may have done a terrific job. However, they may not have communicated the importance of maintenance.

Continued care is required to keep things running smoothly. Outdated themes, plugins, and core software will turn any site into a bucket of bolts.

Website owners aren’t likely to call for help until something is wrong. It appears to be a common issue these days.

There is no shortage of websites in need of some repair.

I’m Not a Hero – Just a Web Designer

Longtime freelancers know the drill. You receive an email from a panicked website owner. They’re not a client. However, their site has crashed, been hacked – or maybe both. They need to get it fixed right away.

How do you respond? It’s easier to say “no” if you’re busy. Perhaps you have enough clients. But if not?

There’s an opportunity to play the part of hero. It’s also a chance to make money and establish a relationship.

Fixing this person’s site could lead to bigger things. Since you have their attention, you can use that time to make recommendations.

For example, their site may have other issues that need fixing. Things like accessibility and security could be lacking. Maybe they need a complete overhaul.

Helping a client in a difficult situation can create trust. It may be just the motivation they need to level up. You have a chance to guide them in the right direction.

Website repair is a way to establish new client relationships.

What’s Lurking Inside That Website?

Website rehabilitation is not without risk. What you see on the surface is one thing. What lies beneath is another.

It’s among the downsides of inheriting a website. You’re stepping into uncharted territory. That often leads you down the proverbial rabbit hole.

Maybe the site was built using unfamiliar tools. Or it’s so riddled with malware that you can’t find the root cause. These issues aren’t for the faint of heart.

There are also questions about the client. How did their website get into this state? Did they have a poor relationship with their last designer? Did they pay their bills on time?

Sure, people can change. But you’ll want to find out why their site is in disrepair. You may find some red flags that scream, “Stay away!”

Perhaps this is the biggest hurdle for freelancers. The willingness to accept risk and dive in headfirst are musts. Not everyone will have the stomach for it.

Pricing is also a concern. Estimating the cost of a fix isn’t easy. So, develop a formula that protects you from taking a loss on a messy site.

You won't know the depth of a website's problems until you investigate.

Is This the Right Path for You?

Website maintenance services are popping up all over the place. They often consist of teams of developers ready to get to work. There’s a good reason for it. The market needs experts who can turn online garbage into gold.

It’s not as simple a path for freelancers, though. You’ll have to weigh the potential benefits against the drawbacks.

Signing up for these types of projects may take away from other opportunities. But they could be a steady source of revenue. You might also turn them into yearly maintenance clients. And you’ll also be in line to handle the inevitable redesign.

Still, looking at broken websites all day isn’t for everyone. The remediation process can be stressful. Meanwhile, clients are waiting with bated breath for a solution.

There’s plenty of business for those interested in this type of work. It’s unlikely to go away any time soon, as the way we build modern websites almost guarantees it.

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