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Sam Madden named faculty head of computer science in EECS

Sam Madden, the College of Computing Distinguished Professor of Computing at MIT, has been named the new faculty head of computer science in the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), effective Aug. 1.

Madden succeeds Arvind, a longtime MIT professor and prolific computer scientist, who passed away in June.

“Sam’s research leadership and commitment to excellence, along with his thoughtful and supportive approach, makes him a natural fit to help lead the department going forward. In light of Arvind’s passing, we are particularly grateful that Sam has agreed to take on this role on such short notice,” says Daniel Huttenlocher, dean of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and the Henry Ellis Warren Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

“Sam’s exceptional research contributions in database management systems, coupled with his deep understanding of both academia and industry, make him an excellent fit for faculty head of computer science. The EECS department and broader School of Engineering will greatly benefit from his expertise and passion,” adds Anantha Chandrakasan, chief innovation and strategy officer, dean of engineering, and Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Madden joins the leadership of EECS, which jointly reports to the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and the School of Engineering. The largest academic department at MIT, EECS was reorganized in 2019 as part of the formation of the college into three overlapping sub-units in electrical engineering (EE), computer science (CS), and artificial intelligence and decision-making (AI+D). The restructuring has enabled each of the three sub-units to concentrate on faculty recruitment, mentoring, promotion, academic programs, and community building in coordination with the others.

“I am delighted that Sam has agreed to step up to take on this important leadership role. His unique combination of academic excellence and forward-looking focus will be invaluable for us,” says Asu Ozdaglar, MathWorks Professor and head of EECS, who also serves as the deputy dean of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. “I am confident that he will offer exceptional leadership in his new role and further strengthen EECS for our students and the MIT community.”

A member of the MIT faculty since 2004, Madden is a professor in EECS and a principal investigator in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He was recognized as the inaugural College of Computing Distinguished Professor of Computing in 2020 for being an outstanding faculty member, leader, and innovator.

Madden’s research interest is in database systems, focusing on database analytics and query processing, ranging from clouds to sensors to modern high-performance server architectures. He co-directs the Data Systems for AI Lab initiative and the Data Systems Group, investigating issues related to systems and algorithms for data focusing on applying new methodologies for processing data, including applying machine learning methods to data systems and engineering data systems for applying machine learning at scale.

He was named one of MIT Technology Review’s “Top 35 Under 35” in 2005 and an ACM Fellow in 2020. He is the recipient of several awards, including an NSF CAREER award, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, the ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award, and “test of time” awards from VLDB, SIGMOD, SIGMOBILE, and SenSys. He is also the co-founder and chief scientist at Cambridge Mobile Telematics, which develops technology to make roads safer and drivers better.

Remembering Mathieu Le Provost: AeroAstro researcher, adventurer, and friend

Mathieu Le Provost, a postdoc in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, passed away unexpectedly on July 30 while traveling in France. 

Le Provost joined AeroAstro in 2023 and was a member of the Uncertainty Quantification Group, led by Professor Youssef Marzouk. Marzouk and Le Provost connected in 2020 when Le Provost reached out over email, eager to explore potential research collaborations. Although the Covid-19 pandemic prevented them from meeting in person, Marzouk, le Provost, and colleagues Ricardo Baptista PhD CSE ’22 and Le Provost’s University of California Los Angeles advisor Jeff Eldredge began working together remotely. “I admired and learned from Mathieu’s determination to take on new fields head on. When we came across an interesting idea, he quickly implemented computational methods and found novel ways to improve on the efficiency of existing approaches,” recalls Baptista.

Prior to coming to MIT, Le Provost earned his PhD in mechanical engineering from UCLA in 2022, his master’s in mechanical and aerospace engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2017, and his French engineering diploma (equivalent to an MS in mechanical and aeronautical engineering) from the Ecole nationale supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique, also in 2017.

In June 2023, Le Provost officially joined the Uncertainty Quantification Group as a postdoc. “It feels like much longer ago, because Mathieu did so much in a short time. He was a pillar of our group, due to his openness, personal warmth, and generosity; his appetite for new research problems; and his deep thinking,” says Marzouk. “Mathieu was independent and self-propelled: every time we met, he’d share new ideas that were exciting and creative. And so many other students and postdocs wanted to work with him. He quickly built up a rich network of collaborators and a full plate of projects.”

A natural collaborator and a fierce friend

Le Provost’s contributions extended beyond his own research. He was a natural collaborator who brought people from different disciplines and departments together, making fast friends with the astrophysicists across the hall from his group. Matthew Levine, friend and postdoc at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, notes the ways Le Provost brought people together. “In our subgroup reading group that I led, Matthieu was often ready to volunteer. And even when it wasn’t his turn, we could count him to be engaged and thoughtful. We all learned more thanks to him being himself,” says Levine.

Jan Glaubitz, another postdoc in the Uncertainty Quantification Group, remembers Le Provost’s deep connections with his loved ones. “He was always eager to stay connected with those he cared about. He celebrated his 29th birthday last August at The Mad Monkfish near campus. What struck me was the number of people who traveled across the country, from places as far as California, just to be with Mathieu on his special day. It was a testament to how deeply he was valued by those around him,” says Glaubitz.

A taste for adventure

Le Provost will be remembered as a passionate hiker with a love for the outdoors. “Mathieu was always joyful and ready for an adventure,” says Baptista. “At our last meeting in Marseille, we swam and dived together in the ocean for an entire afternoon. It was difficult for me to keep up with Mathieu’s infectious energy and willingness to continue swimming. I believe this is how Mathieu approached many problems. He dived deep, even into cold water, but came out stronger and brought along others for a joyous adventure.”

Alongside his academic achievements, Mathieu also had a creative side, which he expressed through pottery. “He often spoke passionately about his pottery classes, which offered him a different kind of fulfillment and relaxation. He was even successful enough to sell some of his pieces at a public market at MIT, which I know brought him a lot of pride.” recalls Glaubitz.

His enthusiasm for discovery was infectious, and his colleagues were inspired by his relentless pursuit of both knowledge and of a good meal. Olivier Zahm, a close colleague of Le Provost’s in the Uncertainty Quantification Group, recalls Le Provost’s “contagious taste for adventure, meeting people, and discovery — but also his taste for crèpes, Spritz, and chocolate mousse.”


A creative and dedicated researcher, Le Provost will be deeply missed by the countless friends across labs and departments that he made during his time at MIT. “Research is a passion-based profession that demands a lot from us, but which in return offers the opportunity to meet brilliant, extraordinary people, who very often become close friends,” says Zahm.

“I feel very lucky that Mathieu came into my life, and I know that everyone else who knew him at MIT feels the same,” says Marzouk. “We are devastated that he left us much too soon. But we will remember him and think of him always.”

Nanostructures enable on-chip lightwave-electronic frequency mixer

Imagine how a phone call works: Your voice is converted into electronic signals, shifted up to higher frequencies, transmitted over long distances, and then shifted back down so it can be heard clearly on the other end. The process enabling this shifting of signal frequencies is called frequency mixing, and it is essential for communication technologies like radio and Wi-Fi. Frequency mixers are vital components in many electronic devices and typically operate using frequencies that oscillate billions (GHz, gigahertz) to trillions (THz, terahertz) of times per second. 

Now imagine a frequency mixer that works at a quadrillion (PHz, petahertz) times per second — up to a million times faster. This frequency range corresponds to the oscillations of the electric and magnetic fields that make up light waves. Petahertz-frequency mixers would allow us to shift signals up to optical frequencies and then back down to more conventional electronic frequencies, enabling the transmission and processing of vastly larger amounts of information at many times higher speeds. This leap in speed isn’t just about doing things faster; it’s about enabling entirely new capabilities.

Lightwave electronics (or petahertz electronics) is an emerging field that aims to integrate optical and electronic systems at incredibly high speeds, leveraging the ultrafast oscillations of light fields. The key idea is to harness the electric field of light waves, which oscillate on sub-femtosecond (10-15 seconds) timescales, to directly drive electronic processes. This allows for the processing and manipulation of information at speeds far beyond what is possible with current electronic technologies. In combination with other petahertz electronic circuitry, a petahertz electronic mixer would allow us to process and analyze vast amounts of information in real time and transfer larger amounts of data over the air at unprecedented speeds. The MIT team’s demonstration of a lightwave-electronic mixer at petahertz-scale frequencies is a first step toward making communication technology faster, and progresses research toward developing new, miniaturized lightwave electronic circuitry capable of handling optical signals directly at the nanoscale.

In the 1970s, scientists began exploring ways to extend electronic frequency mixing into the terahertz range using diodes. While these early efforts showed promise, progress stalled for decades. Recently, however, advances in nanotechnology have reignited this area of research. Researchers discovered that tiny structures like nanometer-length-scale needle tips and plasmonic antennas could function similarly to those early diodes but at much higher frequencies.

A recent open-access study published in Science Advances by Matthew Yeung, Lu-Ting Chou, Marco Turchetti, Felix Ritzkowsky, Karl K. Berggren, and Phillip D. Keathley at MIT has demonstrated a significant step forward. They developed an electronic frequency mixer for signal detection that operates beyond 0.350 PHz using tiny nanoantennae. These nanoantennae can mix different frequencies of light, enabling analysis of signals oscillating orders of magnitude faster than the fastest accessible to conventional electronics. Such petahertz electronic devices could enable developments that ultimately revolutionize fields that require precise analysis of extremely fast optical signals, such as spectroscopy and imaging, where capturing femtosecond-scale dynamics is crucial (a femtosecond is one-millionth of one-billionth of a second).

The team’s study highlights the use of nanoantenna networks to create a broadband, on-chip electronic optical frequency mixer. This innovative approach allows for the accurate readout of optical wave forms spanning more than one octave of bandwidth. Importantly, this process worked using a commercial turnkey laser that can be purchased off the shelf, rather than a highly customized laser.

While optical frequency mixing is possible using nonlinear materials, the process is purely optical (that is, it converts light input to light output at a new frequency). Furthermore, the materials have to be many wavelengths in thickness, limiting the device size to the micrometer scale (a micrometer is one-millionth of a meter).  In contrast, the lightwave-electronic method demonstrated by the authors uses a light-driven tunneling mechanism that offers high nonlinearities for frequency mixing and direct electronic output using nanometer-scale devices (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter).

While this study focused on characterizing light pulses of different frequencies, the researchers envision that similar devices will enable one to construct circuits using light waves. This device, with bandwidths spanning multiple octaves, could provide new ways to investigate ultrafast light-matter interactions, accelerating advancements in ultrafast source technologies. 

This work not only pushes the boundaries of what is possible in optical signal processing but also bridges the gap between the fields of electronics and optics. By connecting these two important areas of research, this study paves the way for new technologies and applications in fields like spectroscopy, imaging, and communications, ultimately advancing our ability to explore and manipulate the ultrafast dynamics of light.

The research was initially supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Ongoing research into harmonic mixing is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Matthew Yeung acknowledges fellowship support from MathWorks, the U.S. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, and MPS-Ascend Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Lu-Ting Chou acknowledges financial support from the China’s Ministry of Education for the Overseas Internship Program from the Chinese National Science and Technology Council for the doctoral fellowship program. 

Another Stab at Truncated Text

Seems like we’re always talking about clipping text around here. All it takes is a little browsing to spot a bunch of things we’ve already explored.


Sep 19, 2012

Multi-line Text Overflow Ellipsis
accessibility content truncation

NVIDIA’s share price nosedives as antitrust clouds gather

NVIDIA has seen its share price plummet following a report of intensified scrutiny from US authorities over potential breaches of competition law. During the regular trading session on Tuesday, NVIDIA’s share price experienced a near-10% drop. The fall wiped £212 billion from its market value, marking…

3 Questions: Evidence for planetary formation through gravitational instability

Exoplanets form in protoplanetary disks, a collection of space dust and gas orbiting a star. The leading theory of planetary formation, called core accretion, occurs when grains of dust in the disk collect and grow to form a planetary core, like a snowball rolling downhill. Once it has a strong enough gravitational pull, other material collapses around it to form the atmosphere.

A secondary theory of planetary formation is gravitational collapse. In this scenario, the disk itself becomes gravitationally unstable and collapses to form the planet, like snow being plowed into a pile. This process requires the disk to be massive, and until recently there were no known viable candidates to observe; previous research had detected the snow pile, but not what made it.

But in a new paper published today in Nature, MIT Kerr-McGee Career Development Professor Richard Teague and his colleagues report evidence that the movement of the gas surrounding the star AB Aurigae behaves as one would expect in a gravitationally unstable disk, matching numerical predictions. Their finding is akin to detecting the snowplow that made the pile. This indicates that gravitational collapse is a viable method of planetary formation. Here, Teague, who studies the formation of planetary systems in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), answers a few questions about the new work.

Q: What made the AB Aurigae system a good candidate for observation?

A: There have been plenty of observations that have suggested some interesting dynamics going on the system. Groups have seen spiral arms within the disk; people have found hot spots, which some groups have interpreted as a planet; others have explained as some other instability. But it was really a disk that we knew there was lots of interesting motions going on. The data that we had previously was enough to see that it was interesting, but not really good enough to detail what was going on.

Q: What is gravitational instability when it comes to protoplanetary disks?

A: Gravitational instabilities are where the gravity from the disk itself is strong enough to perturb motions within the disk. Usually, we assume that the gravitational potential is dominated by the central star, which is the case when the mass of the disk is less than 10 percent of the stellar mass (which is most of the time). When the disk mass gets too large, gravitational potential will affect it in different ways and drive these very large spiral arms in the disk. These can have lots of different effects: They can trap the gas, they can heat it up, they can allow for angular momentum to be transported very rapidly within the disk. If its unstable, the disk can fragment and collapse directly to form a planet in an incredibly short period of time. Rather than the tens of thousands of years that it would take for a core accretion to happen, this would happen at a fraction of that time.

Q: How does this discovery challenge conventional wisdom around planetary formation?

A: It shows that this alternative path of forming planets via direct collapse is a way that we can form planets. This is particularly important because we’re finding more and more evidence of very large planets — say, Jupiter mass or larger — that are sitting very far away from their star. Those sorts of planets are incredibly hard to form with core accretion, because you typically need them close to the star where things happen quickly. So to form something so massive, so far away from the star is a real challenge. If we’re able to show that there are sources that are massive enough that they’re gravitationally unstable, this solves that problem. It’s a way that perhaps newer systems can be formed, because they’ve always been a bit of a challenge to understand how they came about with core accretion.

Enabled by a significant gift, MIT’s Security Studies Program launches the Center for Nuclear Security Policy

MIT’s Security Studies Program has received a $45 million gift from The Stanton Foundation to expand its leading work on the vital issue of global nuclear security.

The support will allow the program to create a new center on the topic while extending and enhancing research, teaching, and policy outreach in an area where the Institute is a longstanding leader with wide-ranging faculty expertise.

“We are on the cusp of a new and more dangerous nuclear age, with the modernization and expansion of nuclear arsenals, the collapse of arms control agreements, continued proliferation challenges, and the impact of new and emerging technologies on how states will manage their arsenals,” says M. Taylor Fravel, director of the Security Studies Program. “This new center will help us address these new challenges.”

Moreover, Fravel adds, “This has been an area of expertise within MIT and the Security Studies Program for almost five decades. We are enormously appreciative of The Stanton Foundation’s confidence in us to carry this vital work forward.” The Security Studies Program is also part of MIT’s Center for International Studies.

“The Stanton Foundation’s extraordinary gift capitalizes on MIT’s deep, longstanding strength in nuclear policy research,” says MIT President Sally A. Kornbluth. “With this new investment, MIT can lead the way in advancing evidence-based nuclear policy in the best interest of our nation and the world.”

The Stanton Foundation funding will enable the center to create three fellowships for junior scholars in nuclear security, hire new senior researchers, organize workshops and conferences, host international fellows, provide support for MIT faculty research, and seed other new projects.

“First, it will help advance policy-relevant research on all key challenges related to nuclear security that bear on this new and potentially more dangerous nuclear era,” says Fravel, who is also the Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor in MIT’s Department of Political Science. “Second, it will help the next generation of thought leaders pursue their own research to help mitigate these problems. So, while there is a huge set of challenges, with the center we will have new resources to address them.”

Vipin Narang, the Frank Stanton Professor of Nuclear Security and Political Science at MIT, will serve as the center’s first director. Narang recently returned to MIT after a two-and-a-half-year public service leave at the U.S. Department of Defense, where his last position was acting assistant secretary of defense for space policy, a role that included oversight of missile defense, countering weapons of mass destruction, and nuclear deterrence policy, among other topics.

“I am thrilled to return to MIT and help launch this historic center, which will hopefully become a central pillar in the world’s study and practice of nuclear security, at this crucial time in the resurgence of nuclear threats,” Narang says.

The Stanton Foundation was established by Frank Stanton, president of the broadcaster CBS from 1946 to 1971. Stanton’s involvement with nuclear issues began with his appointment to a committee convened by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1954 to develop the first comprehensive plan for the survival of the U.S. following a nuclear attack. Stanton had lead responsibility for developing a plan for national and international communication in the aftermath of a nuclear incident. The foundation has focused most of its philanthropy on nuclear security and on sustaining free speech rights while bolstering the spread of accurate civic information. It also supports work on canine health and welfare.

The Security Studies Program has roots extending to 1976, when it was first established as the Defense and Arms Control Study Program, before changing its name in the early 1990s.

“It’s always been an area where we’ve maintained excellence, especially with respect to the very core questions of how to bring about deterrence and stability, and how to counter the challenge of proliferation,” Fravel says.

Fravel emphasizes that the new center will draw on expertise from across the Institute. MIT has an array of nuclear weapons experts across its departments, labs, and centers, including SSP, the Department of Political Science, the Center for International Studies, and the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering. Over the years, explains Fravel, a special feature of the program has been the integration of technical and political analysis of national and international security problems.

“We look forward to leveraging all the expertise at MIT to help mitigate future nuclear risks,” Fravel says.