MIT graduate programs empower the next generation of naval leaders

Designing a ship or submarine for the U.S. Navy requires an understanding of naval architecture, hydrodynamics, electrical and structural engineering, materials science, and more. That’s why the Navy works so closely with MIT, where some of the world’s foremost experts in each of those disciplines converge.

The largest among the graduate-level naval programs at MIT is the 2N Graduate Program in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. The three-year 2N program helps naval officers work at the intersection of different academic disciplines to design ships and submarines from the ground up and solve the complex technical problems that arise from completing missions on the sea.

“The 2N program is designed to take officers who have experience operating ships and submarines and get them the technical foundation they need to be technical leaders in the Navy,” says 2N Professor of the Practice Andrew Gillespy, who graduated from the program himself in 2008. “We’re building the next generation of ship and submarine designers for the U.S. Navy.”

The MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Joint Program also enrolls naval officers, in its dedicated master’s program in oceanography and applied ocean science and engineering, where they work on Navy-related research ranging from autonomous vehicles to applied ocean science, physical oceanography, and more. While the 2N program, which was founded back in 1901, has been around a lot longer than the MIT-WHOI Program, naval officers were among the first graduates of MIT-WHOI in 1970.

“The Navy’s been with us from the beginning,” WHOI Senior Scientist Ann Tarrant says. “MIT’s various naval offerings really show the strong link between the institutions. It shows MIT’s commitment to doing research that is valuable to our nation’s security, and the high esteem the Navy places on MIT more broadly.”

At MIT, both the 2N and MIT-WHOI programs are housed within the Department of Mechanical Engineering; MIT-WHOI, which also offers a doctoral program, is jointly hosted by the Department for Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Still, the programs engage students and faculty from across the Institute.

“Our students work with pretty much every professor who touches ocean engineering,” Gillespy says. “One of the great parts about our program is the ability for the students to do one-on-one thesis work with the best professors in the world here at MIT. That is something that the Navy really, values.”

A century of training naval leaders

MIT was one of the first educational institutions to include oceanography in its curriculum and has played a leading role in advancing the discipline. The Department of Mechanical Engineering first offered a program in marine engineering and naval architecture in 1886, which led to the Department of Naval Architecture.

The program has changed names several times since then, but it can be mapped to today’s Center for Ocean Engineering, which continues to support the Navy and MIT’s naval programs through its research.

The 2N program was founded in 1901 and has been taught by active-duty faculty members for close to a century. Students in the program, who also include members of the U.S. Coast Guard as well as foreign naval officers, jump back into academia with two years of classes followed by an industry-sponsored design project.

“The program gives you a solid foundation in naval engineering and the leeway to study what’s interesting to you; this way you can bring new research back to the fleet,” says Adam Jay Pressel, who’s entering his third and final year in the 2N program. “Being a full-time graduate student and naval officer at one of the best universities in the world is probably the best job I’ll ever have.”

Gillespy notes that while the requirements for most MIT master’s students is 72 credits plus a thesis, 2N graduates earn around 300 credits over their three years.

The reason for the high course load is that 2N graduates get two master’s degrees, and the 2N Naval Engineer’s degree is earned by meeting both MIT and the Navy’s requirements.

“We encourage them to get the second degree in an area they’re interested in and really want to pursue,” Gillespy says. “We’ve had students working in electrical engineering on power systems, in mechanical engineering, and system design and management, which is the joint program with the business school and the engineering program. That program is great because we’re not just engineers. In the future, our students are going to be technical leaders, so getting that leadership and management expertise from the business school is great. But you probably can’t pick a course at MIT that we haven’t had somebody get a second degree in.”

The MIT-WHOI master’s program is usually a little over two years long and features coursework at WHOI and MIT followed by a master’s thesis. Naval students have worked on topics like ocean circulation, autonomous vehicles, and meteorology.

“Having naval officers really benefits our whole student body and program,” Tarrant says. “They have a lot of extremely valuable real-world experience, and they help us understand how the research we’re doing can make an impact in the Navy and on the world.”

Tarrant notes that many faculty members and researchers at both MIT and WHOI work on projects funded by the Navy, and naval officers bring valuable perspectives to that work.

“It helps us align the work we do with the Navy’s mission,” Tarrant says. “WHOI and MIT more broadly have a long-standing relationship with the Navy that really helps us.”

MIT leaves its mark

Naval officers’ work at MIT has gone on to make a huge impact on the Navy. Several students’ ship design and conversion projects from the 2N program have gone on to become actual ships the Navy builds. In 2019, 2N students worked on converting a massive destroyer called the DDG 1000 to accommodate hypersonic missiles. The students concept design showed it was feasible, and the Navy is actively overseeing that conversion now.

The graduates themselves have also gone on to assume leadership roles at every level of the Navy. The current program manager for a major Navy initiative designing a new class of submarines is 2N graduate Admiral Pete Small ’05, SM ’05, who previously taught as a professor of the practice at MIT.

“Our program has a really proud history of producing officers that are great leaders and have the technical foundation to lead highly advanced programs,” Gillespy says.

Gillespy says his own experience in the Navy has underscored the value of the 2N program. He and several other graduates of the program were responsible for designing the Columbia-class submarine, which is scheduled to go into service in 2031.

“Every day when we were designing the Columbia class submarine, we had the world’s experts in a particular area come in and present their design thoughts and what they’re working on, and being able to have intelligent conversations and push the program forward across all the disciplines was critical,” Gillespy says. “There wasn’t a course that I took here that I couldn’t trace back to a discipline that I was working on. My fellow officers echoed the sentiment of how well MIT prepared us to do submarine design.”

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🎥 How-To Tutorials

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In this video, you’ll learn how to set up your weekly live streaming by optimizing lighting, audio, and using YoloBox, ensuring a professional and seamless broadcast.

How to Create a Wireless Multicam Live Stream
In this video, you’ll learn how to Create a Wireless Multicam Live Stream. And discover the best wireless camera options for streaming.

How to Setup an Engaging Weekly Live Stream
In this video, you’ll learn how to effectively use the Chroma Keying feature on YoloBox products and get tips on setting up a green screen for your live streams.

How to Build a Mobile Recording Studio with YoloBox
In this video, you’ll learn how to build a mobile recording studio using the YoloBox Ultra, the ultimate gadget for car streaming and on-the-go content creation.

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Influencer Review Compilation
Get insights from top influencers as they review the YoloBox, highlighting its versatility and ease of use as an all-in-one live streaming solution. They praise its ability to handle switching, encoding, recording, and monitoring seamlessly, making it ideal for various streaming needs.

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Tools for making imagination blossom at MIT.nano

The MIT community and visitors have a new reason to drop by MIT.nano: six artworks by Brazilian artist and sculptor Denise Milan. Located in the open-air stairway connecting the first- and second-floor galleries within the nanoscience and engineering facility, the works center around the stone as a microcosm of nature. From Milan’s “Mist of the Earth” series, evocative of mandalas, the project asks viewers to reflect on the environmental changes that result from human-made development.

Milan is the inaugural artist in “Encounters,” a series presented by STUDIO.nano, a new initiative from MIT.nano that encourages the exploration of platforms and pathways at the intersection of technology, science, and art. Encounters welcomes proposals from artists, scientists, engineers, and designers from outside of the MIT community looking to collaborate with MIT.nano researchers, facilities, ongoing projects, and unique spaces.

“Life is in the art of the encounter,” remarked Milan, quoting Brazilian poet Vinicius de Moraes, during a reception at MIT.nano. “And for an artist to be in a place like this, MIT.nano, what could be better? I love the curiosity of scientists. They are very much like artists … art and science are both tools for making imagination blossom.” What followed was a freewheeling conversation between attendees that spanned topics ranging from the cyclical nature of birth, death, and survival in the cosmos to musings on the elemental sources of creativity and the similarities in artistic and scientific practice to a brief lesson on time crystals by Nobel Prize laureate Frank Wilczek, the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT.

Milan was joined in her conversation by MIT.nano Director Vladimir Bulović, the Fariborz Maseeh Professor of Emerging Technologies; Ardalan SadeghiKivi MArch ’22, who moderated the discussion; Samantha Farrell, manager of STUDIO.nano programming; and Naomi Moniz, professor emeritus at Georgetown University, who connected Milan and her work with MIT.nano.

“In addition to the technical community, we [at MIT.nano] have been approached by countless artists and thinkers in the humanities who, to our delight, are eager to learn about the wonders of the nanoscale and how to use the tools of MIT.nano to explore and expand their own artistic practice,” said Bulović.

These interactions have spurred collaborative projects across disciplines, art exhibitions, and even MIT classes. For the past four years MIT.nano has hosted 4.373/4.374 (Creating Art, Thinking Science), an undergraduate and graduate class offered by the Art, Culture, and Technology (ACT) Program. To date, the class has brought 35 students into MIT.nano’s labs and resulted in 40 distinct projects and 60 pieces of art, many of which are on display in MIT.nano’s galleries.

With the launch of STUDIO.nano, MIT.nano will look to expand its exhibition programs, including supporting additional digital media and augmented/virtual reality projects; providing tools and spaces for development of new classes envisioned by MIT academic departments; and introducing programming such as lectures related to the studio’s activities.

Milan’s work will be a permanent installation at MIT.nano, where she hopes it will encourage individuals to pursue their creative inspiration, regardless of discipline. “To exist or to disappear?” Milan asked. “If it’s us, an idea, or a dream — the question is how much of an assignment you have with your own imagination.”

MIT students combat climate anxiety through extracurricular teams

Climate anxiety affects nearly half of young people aged 16-25. Students like second-year Rachel Mohammed find hope and inspiration through her involvement in innovative climate solutions, working alongside peers who share her determination. “I’ve met so many people at MIT who are dedicated to finding climate solutions in ways that I had never imagined, dreamed of, or heard of. That is what keeps me going, and I’m doing my part,” she says.

Hydrogen-fueled engines

Hydrogen offers the potential for zero or near-zero emissions, with the ability to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution by 29 percent. However, the hydrogen industry faces many challenges related to storage solutions and costs.

Mohammed leads the hydrogen team on MIT’s Electric Vehicle Team (EVT), which is dedicated to harnessing hydrogen power to build a cleaner, more sustainable future. EVT is one of several student-led build teams at the Edgerton Center focused on innovative climate solutions. Since its founding in 1992, the Edgerton Center has been a hub for MIT students to bring their ideas to life.

Hydrogen is mostly used in large vehicles like trucks and planes because it requires a lot of storage space. EVT is building their second iteration of a motorcycle based on what Mohammed calls a “goofy hypothesis” that you can use hydrogen to power a small vehicle. The team employs a hydrogen fuel cell system, which generates electricity by combining hydrogen with oxygen. However, the technology faces challenges, particularly in storage, which EVT is tackling with innovative designs for smaller vehicles.

Presenting at the 2024 World Hydrogen Summit reaffirmed Mohammed’s confidence in this project. “I often encounter skepticism, with people saying it’s not practical. Seeing others actively working on similar initiatives made me realize that we can do it too,” Mohammed says.

The team’s first successful track test last October allowed them to evaluate the real-world performance of their hydrogen-powered motorcycle, marking a crucial step in proving the feasibility and efficiency of their design.

MIT’s Sustainable Engine Team (SET), founded by junior Charles Yong, uses the combustion method to generate energy with hydrogen. This is a promising technology route for high-power-density applications, like aviation, but Yong believes it hasn’t received enough attention. Yong explains, “In the hydrogen power industry, startups choose fuel cell routes instead of combustion because gas turbine industry giants are 50 years ahead. However, these giants are moving very slowly toward hydrogen due to its not-yet-fully-developed infrastructure. Working under the Edgerton Center allows us to take risks and explore advanced tech directions to demonstrate that hydrogen combustion can be readily available.”

Both EVT and SET are publishing their research and providing detailed instructions for anyone interested in replicating their results.

Running on sunshine

The Solar Electric Vehicle Team powers a car built from scratch with 100 percent solar energy.

The team’s single-occupancy car Nimbus won the American Solar Challenge two years in a row. This year, the team pushed boundaries further with Gemini, a multiple-occupancy vehicle that challenges conventional perceptions of solar-powered cars.

Senior Andre Greene explains, “the challenge comes from minimizing how much energy you waste because you work with such little energy. It’s like the equivalent power of a toaster.”

Gemini looks more like a regular car and less like a “spaceship,” as NBC’s 1st Look affectionately called Nimbus. “It more resembles what a fully solar-powered car could look like versus the single-seaters. You don’t see a lot of single-seater cars on the market, so it’s opening people’s minds,” says rising junior Tessa Uviedo, team captain.

All-electric since 2013

The MIT Motorsports team switched to an all-electric powertrain in 2013. Captain Eric Zhou takes inspiration from China, the world’s largest market for electric vehicles. “In China, there is a large government push towards electric, but there are also five or six big companies almost as large as Tesla size, building out these electric vehicles. The competition drives the majority of vehicles in China to become electric.”

The team is also switching to four-wheel drive and regenerative braking next year, which reduces the amount of energy needed to run. “This is more efficient and better for power consumption because the torque from the motors is applied straight to the tires. It’s more efficient than having a rear motor that must transfer torque to both rear tires. Also, you’re taking advantage of all four tires in terms of producing grip, while you can only rely on the back tires in a rear-wheel-drive car,” Zhou says.

Zhou adds that Motorsports wants to help prepare students for the electric vehicle industry. “A large majority of upperclassmen on the team have worked, or are working, at Tesla or Rivian.”

Former Motorsports powertrain lead Levi Gershon ’23, SM ’24 recently founded CRABI Robotics — a fully autonomous marine robotic system designed to conduct in-transit cleaning of marine vessels by removing biofouling, increasing vessels’ fuel efficiency.

An Indigenous approach to sustainable rockets

First Nations Launch, the all-Indigenous student rocket team, recently won the Grand Prize in the 2024 NASA First Nations Launch High-Power Rocket Competition. Using Indigenous methodologies, this team considers the environment in the materials and methods they employ.

“The environmental impact is always something that we consider when we’re making design decisions and operational decisions. We’ve thought about things like biodegradable composites and parachutes,” says rising junior Haley Polson, team captain. “Aerospace has been a very wasteful industry in the past. There are huge leaps and bounds being made with forward progress in regard to reusable rockets, which is definitely lowering the environmental impact.”

Collecting climate change data with autonomous boats

Arcturus, the recent first-place winner in design at the 16th Annual RoboBoat Competition, is developing autonomous surface vehicles that can greatly aid in marine research. “The ocean is one of our greatest resources to combat climate change; thus, the accessibility of data will help scientists understand climate patterns and predict future trends. This can help people learn how to prepare for potential disasters and how to reduce each of our carbon footprints,” says Arcturus captain and rising junior Amy Shi.

“We are hoping to expand our outreach efforts to incorporate more sustainability-related programs. This can include more interactions with local students to introduce them to how engineering can make a positive impact in the climate space or other similar programs,” Shi says.

Shi emphasizes that hope is a crucial force in the battle against climate change. “There are great steps being taken every day to combat this seemingly impending doom we call the climate crisis. It’s important to not give up hope, because this hope is what’s driving the leaps and bounds of innovation happening in the climate community. The mainstream media mostly reports on the negatives, but the truth is there is a lot of positive climate news every day. Being more intentional about where you seek your climate news can really help subside this feeling of doom about our planet.”

Sapiens: Foundation for Human Vision Models

The remarkable success of large-scale pretraining followed by task-specific fine-tuning for language modeling has established this approach as a standard practice. Similarly, computer vision methods are progressively embracing extensive data scales for pretraining. The emergence of large datasets, such as LAION5B, Instagram-3.5B, JFT-300M, LVD142M, Visual Genome,…

A fast and flexible approach to help doctors annotate medical scans

To the untrained eye, a medical image like an MRI or X-ray appears to be a murky collection of black-and-white blobs. It can be a struggle to decipher where one structure (like a tumor) ends and another begins. 

When trained to understand the boundaries of biological structures, AI systems can segment (or delineate) regions of interest that doctors and biomedical workers want to monitor for diseases and other abnormalities. Instead of losing precious time tracing anatomy by hand across many images, an artificial assistant could do that for them.

The catch? Researchers and clinicians must label countless images to train their AI system before it can accurately segment. For example, you’d need to annotate the cerebral cortex in numerous MRI scans to train a supervised model to understand how the cortex’s shape can vary in different brains.

Sidestepping such tedious data collection, researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and Harvard Medical School have developed the interactive “ScribblePrompt” framework: a flexible tool that can help rapidly segment any medical image, even types it hasn’t seen before. 

Instead of having humans mark up each picture manually, the team simulated how users would annotate over 50,000 scans, including MRIs, ultrasounds, and photographs, across structures in the eyes, cells, brains, bones, skin, and more. To label all those scans, the team used algorithms to simulate how humans would scribble and click on different regions in medical images. In addition to commonly labeled regions, the team also used superpixel algorithms, which find parts of the image with similar values, to identify potential new regions of interest to medical researchers and train ScribblePrompt to segment them. This synthetic data prepared ScribblePrompt to handle real-world segmentation requests from users.

“AI has significant potential in analyzing images and other high-dimensional data to help humans do things more productively,” says MIT PhD student Hallee Wong SM ’22, the lead author on a new paper about ScribblePrompt and a CSAIL affiliate. “We want to augment, not replace, the efforts of medical workers through an interactive system. ScribblePrompt is a simple model with the efficiency to help doctors focus on the more interesting parts of their analysis. It’s faster and more accurate than comparable interactive segmentation methods, reducing annotation time by 28 percent compared to Meta’s Segment Anything Model (SAM) framework, for example.”

ScribblePrompt’s interface is simple: Users can scribble across the rough area they’d like segmented, or click on it, and the tool will highlight the entire structure or background as requested. For example, you can click on individual veins within a retinal (eye) scan. ScribblePrompt can also mark up a structure given a bounding box.

Then, the tool can make corrections based on the user’s feedback. If you wanted to highlight a kidney in an ultrasound, you could use a bounding box, and then scribble in additional parts of the structure if ScribblePrompt missed any edges. If you wanted to edit your segment, you could use a “negative scribble” to exclude certain regions.

These self-correcting, interactive capabilities made ScribblePrompt the preferred tool among neuroimaging researchers at MGH in a user study. 93.8 percent of these users favored the MIT approach over the SAM baseline in improving its segments in response to scribble corrections. As for click-based edits, 87.5 percent of the medical researchers preferred ScribblePrompt.

ScribblePrompt was trained on simulated scribbles and clicks on 54,000 images across 65 datasets, featuring scans of the eyes, thorax, spine, cells, skin, abdominal muscles, neck, brain, bones, teeth, and lesions. The model familiarized itself with 16 types of medical images, including microscopies, CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds, and photographs.

“Many existing methods don’t respond well when users scribble across images because it’s hard to simulate such interactions in training. For ScribblePrompt, we were able to force our model to pay attention to different inputs using our synthetic segmentation tasks,” says Wong. “We wanted to train what’s essentially a foundation model on a lot of diverse data so it would generalize to new types of images and tasks.”

After taking in so much data, the team evaluated ScribblePrompt across 12 new datasets. Although it hadn’t seen these images before, it outperformed four existing methods by segmenting more efficiently and giving more accurate predictions about the exact regions users wanted highlighted.

“​​Segmentation is the most prevalent biomedical image analysis task, performed widely both in routine clinical practice and in research — which leads to it being both very diverse and a crucial, impactful step,” says senior author Adrian Dalca SM ’12, PhD ’16, CSAIL research scientist and assistant professor at MGH and Harvard Medical School. “ScribblePrompt was carefully designed to be practically useful to clinicians and researchers, and hence to substantially make this step much, much faster.”

“The majority of segmentation algorithms that have been developed in image analysis and machine learning are at least to some extent based on our ability to manually annotate images,” says Harvard Medical School professor in radiology and MGH neuroscientist Bruce Fischl, who was not involved in the paper. “The problem is dramatically worse in medical imaging in which our ‘images’ are typically 3D volumes, as human beings have no evolutionary or phenomenological reason to have any competency in annotating 3D images. ScribblePrompt enables manual annotation to be carried out much, much faster and more accurately, by training a network on precisely the types of interactions a human would typically have with an image while manually annotating. The result is an intuitive interface that allows annotators to naturally interact with imaging data with far greater productivity than was previously possible.”

Wong and Dalca wrote the paper with two other CSAIL affiliates: John Guttag, the Dugald C. Jackson Professor of EECS at MIT and CSAIL principal investigator; and MIT PhD student Marianne Rakic SM ’22. Their work was supported, in part, by Quanta Computer Inc., the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center at the Broad Institute, the Wistron Corp., and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institutes of Health, with hardware support from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center.

Wong and her colleagues’ work will be presented at the 2024 European Conference on Computer Vision and was presented as an oral talk at the DCAMI workshop at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference earlier this year. They were awarded the Bench-to-Bedside Paper Award at the workshop for ScribblePrompt’s potential clinical impact.

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