Are We Living in a Simulation?

Moore’s law, when stated that the number of transistors doubles on a microchip every two years, what really meant was that speed and capability of… Read More
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Bootstrap 5 Typography

Bootstrap 5 Typography is a feature of Bootstrap for styling and formatting text content. It is used to create customized headings, inline subheadings, lists, and… Read More
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Adding Box Shadows to WordPress Blocks and Elements

The CSS box-shadow and outline properties gained theme.json support in WordPress 6.1. Let’s look at a few examples of how it works in real themes, and what options we have to apply these styles to WordPress blocks and elements. Adding Box Shadows to WordPress Blocks and…

How to Effectively Organize Content within WordPress

By mapping out your WordPress posts and pages logically, it will look professional, help with SEO, and will likely reduce your stress levels.
The post How to Effectively Organize Content within WordPress appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine….

Best Regards vs Kind Regards – How To Use These in Email?

Emails are the most used form of communication in the digital world, especially for formal messaging. This is why it is imperative to have a… Read More
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JavaScript Array Methods: find()

Ever needed to find or locate a specific array item? Luckily for us, we have a JavaScript method that can handle that task with ease. In this quick guide, I’ll go over the find() JavaScript array method. If you’re ready,…
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