5 reasons pro videographers choose the Nikon Z9

What is it that distinguishes a pro from an enthusiast? Is it their skill? Well, yeah. But beyond their skill is their choice of gear. Sure, a pro can use an entry-level camera to produce amazing footage. However, upping the ante when it comes to…

Google gets serious about Gitops

Google has made its most significant commitment yet to the emerging practice of Gitops, by building out a set of open source tools aimed at helping organizations consistently configure and manage their containerized applications at scale.As the container orchestrator Kubernetes—which emerged from Google in…

Microsoft .NET MAUI framework arrives

Microsoft has formally introduced its .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) framework, providing .NET developers a cross-platform stack for building user interfaces.The .NET MAUI framework targets Windows, iOS, Android, and MacOS, allowing developers to create UIs in C# and XAML for all platforms from single…

PhonePe Interview Experience

Tips for Interview: Practice at least(easy and medium questions from leetcode under(Top Interview Questions)) or all the questions from Gfg under(must do coding questions for… Read More
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